(BONUS) PJ x Shy!Nerd!Reader - Wonderland

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*the title is misleading*


   You cover your mouth, eyes trained on the door. Your other hand reaches for PJ, gripping at his shirt sleeve. He scoots closer to you, holding your hand tightly. You can hear his soft, frightened pants. 

   Sparing a second, your eyes drift over to PJ. His hard gaze is settled on the door, his other hand gripping at his shirt as he caught his breath. He glances over at you, meeting your eye. In that one fleeting moment, the doorknob turns, door slowly opening outwards, away from you and PJ. A gun nozzle is pointed through the crack, and you find yourself staring directly down it. 

   It's been a few months since that night with PJ, and you two had become a couple. He agreed to keep it secret, in case you were targeted by the other girls in the school. Which, you would have been.

   You'd say it was going great, until recently, that is.

   That morning, classes had gone as usual, and you suspected it to be another normal day. But that wasn't the case. It was far from it. 


   "Hey, Mr Ink! Does this look okay?" You ask your teacher, holding up the sketch of a Ferris Wheel. The older skeleton looks at it, grinning. "It looks great, (Y/n)! You're doing a good job." He ruffles your hair, making you smile nervously. "Th-Thanks!"

   The bell rings for lunch, and you slip the paper into your binder, stuffing the binder into your bag. You wave bye to your teacher, heading out of the room with the stream of students. You stop by your locker to put your bag away. PJ approaches you as you close the locker. You smile at the skeleton as he starts walking with you to the lunchroom, exchanging conversation. 

   The two of you turn a corner, but PJ pauses, grabbing your arm to halt you. At the end of the hallway stood a figure, wearing all black, eerily still. And in the figure's hand was-- Your vision focuses on a-- 

   'Is that a gun?'

   PJ comes to the realization at the same time as you and pulls you back around the corner, putting a skeletal hand on your shoulder. You lean into him, trembling slightly. 'Oh God... Am I going to die?'

   The thought came casually, too calm for the situation at hand. You grip PJ's shirt, burying your face in his shoulder. He tries to comfort you, running a hand through your hair.

   You and PJ both miss as two students walk by, turning the corner. They don't think of the figure, until it raises the gun and shoots at them. The gun shots jolt you from your silent shutdown, and you go into panic mode. Without looking back, you grab PJ's hand and start running, dragging PJ behind you. He eventually catches himself and runs alongside you, gripping your hand like a lifeline. 

   Another gun shot rings out, making you speed up. Adrenaline pumps through your body, urging you to go faster, faster. You duck into a custodian closet, pulling PJ in with you. You close the door, quietly, and lean against the wall farthest from it, breathing heavily. 

   You cover your mouth, eyes trained on the door. Your other hand reaches for PJ, gripping at his shirt sleeve. He scoots closer to you, holding your hand tightly. You can hear his soft, frightened pants.

   Sparing a second, your eyes drift over to PJ. His hard gaze is settled on the door, his other hand gripping at his shirt as he caught his breath. He glances over at you, meeting your eye. In that one fleeting moment, the doorknob turns, door slowly opening outwards, away from you and PJ. A gun nozzle is pointed through the crack, and you find yourself staring directly down it. 

   The hairs on the back of your neck rise steadily, your body tensing up. 

   PJ is the first to act. He kicks out at the gun, slamming it and the hand gripping it against the door. He kicks at the door, throwing it open, and scrambles up, hoisting you along as he runs out, turning an immediate corner. You're still in absolute shock, just barely keeping up with him as his eyelights scan for another hiding place. Pounding footsteps sound from behind you-- or is that just your heart beating erratically? 

   A hand reaches out, brushing against your back. You gasp, finding yourself to run faster from the shooter. Surely, the police are on their way. 'Why hasn't he shot yet?'

   Then it connects. 

   'He's toying with us.'

   This fact only frightened you more. You looked at PJ, biting your lip. You mumble, "I love you..." to him before letting go of his hand and turning a corner swiftly. He gasps, going to follow you but the shooter pushes him away from the hall you disappeared into. 

   You ran until you couldn't feel your legs anymore. You collapsed against the wall, panting heavily. You stare up at the ceiling, covering your mouth. Tears gathered in your eyes, and you tried to blink them away, but they cascaded down your cheeks. You didn't want to leave him, but you thought the shooter would follow you. You were wrong, though. You don't know if PJ survived. 'Please.. Please for fucks safe...'

   Your vision drifts to black as you writhe on the ground in sadness. 





   "He'll survive. The bullet only entered his hand. He'll have a scar, but other wise, he'll be okay."

   You let out a sigh of relief, your features softening. You gripped PJ's uninjured hand, squeezing it to ground yourself. He was unconscious, in the hospital, but he was okay. He survived. 

   That morning it was announced that school wouldn't be in session for a week, so students could recover from the incident. Only two students died, and two were injured. PJ was one of the injured. You didn't know the other injured, but you only prayed for their safety. 

   PJ's eyesockets fluttered open, and you grin, kissing his cheek. "Paperjam... Thank goodness you're okay..." You mutter. He looked confused, disorientated, but once his eyelights settled on you, he smiled. He hoarsely mumbled, "(Y/n)..."

   "Shhh... It's okay now." You kiss him, cupping his cheekbone. He leans into your touch, kissing back with passion. 

   It felt like wonderland, being with each other again. 


I hope? 

That was?


I'm sorry to the person who requested if that wasn't what you expected, but I feel angsty, so I wrote angst. Take it. 

At least I didn't kill PJ. I considered doing that. 

Beyond || Nerd and Jock au X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now