PJ x Shy!Nerd!Reader - Parties Aren't Your Thing (P1)

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I have decided to open the requests! I'm almost done with the ones I need to do, so you guys can request now! I will be deleting the note that said they were closed soon. 

Also, may I ask that you guys please request on the actual request page? From now on, if you request on any of the chapters, I will ask you to request on the request page. It just helps me keep track of them all. Thank you and enjoy! <3


   You look around at the large crowd and cringe. It smelled of alcohol and sweat. You inch away from it and stand by the wall. Why did you let your boyfriend drag you to this? I mean, he left you to your own devices as soon as you got here. 

   You sigh, leaning against the wall and adjust your jacket's hood. You didn't want anyone to recognize you as a junior nerd at this senior party. Your boyfriend was one year older than you, so as long as you were with him- scratch that. You decide to try leaving and walking home. This wasn't unusual. Darrel would often drag you to some social event and then ditch you.

   As you force yourself through the large crowd, you accidentally bump into someone. You look up and freeze. It was one of the senior jocks. You recall his name being PJ. The skeleton scowls down at you, "Watch where you're going, twerp!" 

   You fumble with your shorts, stuttering, "I-I'm sorry... I d-d-didn't m-mean to..." Did he even hear you? He was still glaring down at you. "You just going to stand there? Move!" He shoved you aside. You quietly shuffle away, listening to his friends laughing. You glance behind you to see PJ watching you walk away. Once out of his sight, you hurry to where you remember the front door being. 

   You get pushed aside by someone oblivious to your existence. You fall on your side, squeaking from the pain. You landed on your knee and fell onto your hip. You try to stand up before you got trampled but found it hard to do. The pain shocked through your body whenever you tried to move. You whimper, trying to fight back tears. You would not be seen crying at someone's house! 

   Propping yourself up on your elbows, you use the knee you didn't land on to push yourself up. You wobble to the side, bumping into the wall. A set of stairs going up was in front of you. There's no way you would get through that crowd with a hurt knee. You limp up the stairs, praying no one saw you. Once upstairs, you slip into a room and lower your hood. 

   You sit on the bed and relax. No big crowds in this room, thank goodness...

   "I guess big crowds and parties aren't your thing." You flinch at the voice as the door clicks as it closes. You didn't hear them come in. You turn to look at who it is. Your eyes meet the eyesockets of PJ. He steps forward, making you cower back slightly. You wince when you move your knee. The skeleton takes notice and walks over to you calmly. 

   He kneels down and looks at your knee. "You just need to pop it back in place, nothing major." He looks back up at you as if expecting you to do it. You stare back at him. He sighs, standing up. "I'm not doing it for you."

   "W-why are you h-here..?" You mumble, nervously averting your eyes. He rolls his eyelights. "It's just us in this room, no need to be so fake and quiet." Your head snaps up. He snorts. "What? I've seen you be loud with your few friends. I don't scare you, do I?~" He leans forward, smirking.

   You blush brightly, eyes widening. "U-uh..." You would never admit it out loud, but the reason he was so intimidating... is that you find him hot. If your boyfriend Darrel found out you were thinking this, better be ready to plan your funeral. You don't notice PJ slowly leaning towards you until his teeth are about to connect to your lips. 

   Your eyes widen more and you scoot backwards. "PJ! I h-have a boyfriend.. stop..." The skeleton sighs. "Wow, you really are an idiot..." "Eh?!"

   PJ points downstairs. "Your 'honey-boo' is down there making out with Bunny. Don't believe me? Go look. Just fix your knee first." He steps back, sitting down on the bed. You glare at him before standing, letting your knee settle back into it's socket with an audible 'pop'. 

   You slip out the door and pull your hood up, making your way down the stairs. PJ followed you closely, making sure you don't trip and fall. In all honestly, he cared about you. More than he wanted to admit. *Shhh~ Don't mention that I told you.

   Once down the stairs, you turn and look in the corner of the room. The well known slut, Bunny, was pressed up to the wall, being kissed by a male. The male was running his hands up and down her body, squeezing. Bunny let out soft moans into the kiss. The male's blonde hair was familiar, and so was his tanned skin...


   He gasps, turning to look at you. His eyes widen at your shaking form. A shadow cast over the upper portion of your face as you glared at him. "(Y/n), B-Babe! I can.. I can explain! It's not-" "Who is this slut, honey?" Bunny looks at you with an accusing stare, as if you were the one who stole Darrel.

   You smile suddenly and approach him. "I thought we had something. But I guess I can call myself single now, unlike you." You then punch him in the face with such force he banged into the wall, sinking to his knees. Blood trickled from his nose as he stared up at you with wide eyes. You brush your hands off on your jacket, take said thing off, and dump it on him. "And take your stupid hoodie back."

   You walk back up the stairs, a smirk on your face. When you pass PJ, you grab his wrist and pull him along. When you're back in the room, you smile sadly at him. "Thank you..."

   He scoffs, pulling you into a hug despite rolling his eyes. "Don't mention it. I just don't want you to fall for the wrong guy." You hug back, nuzzling your face in his chest. He was warm, despite being all bones. It was... comforting. You let out a sigh.

   His face heats up at the close proximity, and he huffs, smiling slightly and resting his mandible on your head. "Make sure you find the right guy, twerp." 'Someone like me...' He didn't say the last part out loud, but felt the strong urge to. He frowns.

   Suddenly, you pull away and stare up into his eyesockets. "I think I already have."

   And you lean up to press a kiss to his cheekbone. 

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