Goth X Gamer!Reader - Welcome to the Game

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This one is rather short, so as an apology, I added a video of 8bit-ryan playing the second version of the game mentioned. 8bit-ryan is great, he is life, he is love, only think that's better in shyan (shane x ryan from buzzfeed unsolved).

haha again i'm so sorry.


   You bite your lip in concentration, keeping silent. You press the button to turn the lights back on and let out a breath. You had seven codes, only needing one more. You hear a chair scraping to your right and immediately go turn off the lights. You hold your breath.

   The player got turned to the right as the kidnapper got you. You screamed, flinching back into the soft confines of your bean bag chair. You huff, kicking the ground. "Damn it!"

   You hear a knock on the door. "Yeah?"

   The door opens and closes and your room-mate Goth walks in. He sits beside you in the bean bag chair you got him. "Are you okay?" You nod to him, starting a new game. "Yeah, just playing the new game Blue got me." You silence Adam's call and immediately open up the A.N.N browser and notes. 

   Goth watched you curiously, studying the little habits. You bite your lip, focused as you check for sites that are open. You lean forward slightly, eyes watchful of the screen in front of you. You don't need to watch the controller to press buttons- you know where they are from years of gaming. 

   You squeal as you find a code and type it into the notes. You groan every time you get hacked but pass it quickly. You grin every time a site is open. Your eyes suddenly widened as you hear a chair scraping to the right. You turn off the lights hurriedly. Goth, not having the headset on, didn't hear it and got confused.


   You scream as the kidnapper gets you. Goth flinches, making a small squeak noise. You sigh, about to start a new game when you look over at Goth. He was pressed back into his chair, breathing heavily and staring at the screen with wide eyes. 

   You put your controller and headset down, scooting over to his bean bag chair. "You okay Goth?" You put a hand on his shoulder. He slowly turns to look at you. "W-what kind of g-g-game is t-that?!" He stammered, hugging you tightly. 

   You smile, rubbing his back and letting him tremble in your arms. "It's fine Goth, don't worry. Hey, why don't we go do something else?"

   You reach over to your controller and tap the power button, letting it switch off along with the screen. You stand up, letting him follow you. You were about to head into the living room when he pulled you back in and led you to the bed instead. You shrug, thinking he wanted to cuddle, something you two do often.

   You sit down across from him, knees touching his, with his hands holding yours. 

   "How do you play stuff like that?" You shrug at his question, indicating you don't really know. "It's terrifying..." He mumbles, suddenly hugging you close. You chuckle, laying down with him. You wrap your arms around him, soaking in his warmth.

   You press your lips against his cheek, feeling it heat up beneath. You don't move away, instead you drag your lips across his cheek to his mouth, kissing him. He kissed back, holding you closer. You climb onto him, straddling his hips, and grab his hands, pinning them above him. You pull away to breath, but then start attacking his neck (er, spine?) with little kisses and nips.

   Beneath you, Goth is shaking, trying to suppress his moans. You growl, biting down. He cries out from the pleasure. You suck on the spot, relishing in his moans. You keep using one hand to keep his hands pinned, as the other roams down his side. He shudders at your touch, panting softly. 

    You run your tongue up to his jaw, nipping at it when you reach it. He wraps his legs around your waist, trying to thrust his hips upwards. You pull back, smirking at him. 

   Suddenly, your phone's ringtone went off, startling Goth. He jerked his head forward and accidentally bonked your forehead with his. "Ow.." You rub it as Goth starts stuttering out apologies. You kiss him to shut him up before crawling over to the edge of the bed, reaching for your phone. You answer it.


   "Hey (Y/n)! I was just wondering how far along you are with the game I gave y-"

   "Uh, hey, Blue? Can it wait? I'm kinda busy with something right now."

   "Oh, um, sure! I'll call you later."


   You put your phone down and turn back to Goth, a little knowing smirk on your face.

   "Now, where were we..?"


here's your present guys, have fun screaming

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