(LEMON) PJ x Shy!(?)Nerd!Reader - BDSM (P2)*

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In case y'all didn't know, BDSM is a variety of often erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and other related interpersonal dynamics.

i love the above song so muchhh. i'm actually a big vocaloid fan, just so you know ;3

and i'm sorry, this is late, i should have finished it earlier, but my bnha story is coming along nicely, and i've been focused on it. Hopefully, the good detail put into this makes up for it <3

*This is a part two to "Parties Aren't Your Thing". That request was supposed to be a lemon, but it got kinda long so i decided to combine it with this BDSM request. So here is your lemon you sinners 


   PJ blushed brightly, bringing his hand up to his cheekbone, "You think you already have?" You giggle, nodding, and say, "Ah, you're so adorable!" He growled, pushing you down onto the bed. "Who are you calling adorable?" He hovered above you, watching your smile morph into a smirk. 

   "Who said you got to be in control?~" His eyesockets widened, taken back by the statement. You roll the two of you over, straddling his hips. You giggle, kissing his teeth. He gasps, letting you slip your tongue into his mouth. He moans into the kiss, squirming underneath you. He kisses back, battling your tongue for dominance.

   Your tongue won the battle, letting you invade his mouth. You licked around the space, hands roaming to the hem of his shirt. He lets out a breathy moan into the heated kiss, bucking his hips upwards to connect with yours. You whine at his action, sitting on his crotch to stop him from doing it again. You were making him suffer. The kiss is broken because of the need for air on PJ's part (he obvs doesn't know the reason he has a nosehole) and your fingers graze his spine under his shirt. He wriths, moaning your name. "(Y-Y/n)..." You hum slightly, smirking at his panting form.

   "What do you need, hun?~" You purr, starting to run your fingers up and down the sensitive bone. He grunts, looking straight in your eyes. "Fuck me."

   You snicker at his demand, gripping his spine. He inhales sharply, his face burning. "Need I remind you who decides what we do?" He groans, reaching up to hold your forearms and direct your hands to his pants. You pull your hands away, gripping his wrists and pinning his hands above his head with one hand. "Tch, someone's being a bad boy~ Be patient for your master, now~" He whines as your hand returns to stroking his spine. 

   Leaning down, you run your tongue across his neck (err, spine?) before sucking on a spot. Your hand slowly trails down to his pants-- finally-- and start to pull them down. PJ squirms, feeling his member harden considerably. And sure enough, you saw the tent in his boxers. You pull down his boxers as well, letting go of his wrists as his member springs up. (boing)

   You smirk once more at him before leaning down and licking the tip. He moans loudly, bucking his hips up into your face and making you take his whole member into your mouth. You gag slightly, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. Yet, you start sucking, clenching the bed sheets in your fists. It was rough, as he thrusted into your mouth further every once in a while, but you liked it. You liked rough. Consider yourself a sadomasochist. 

   You stroked what you couldn't fit in your mouth, sucking roughly. He let out a loud moan, "A-Ah! (Y/n)... I-I'm coming~!" True to his words, right as he was done talking, he came, shooting his seed into your mouth. You lean back, swallowing most of it. He panted, looking down at you. His eyesockets widened. "You d-didn't have to s-swallow it!"

   "It's sweet." You say bluntly, pulling off your jacket and shirt. He stares at your lace bra, mouth open slightly in awe. Who knew someone as sweet and timid as you was such a master in bed? You smirk at him, slowly slipping off your jeans. He watches you with a bright blush. The lights in his eyesockets slowly morph into a heart shape.

   You giggle, crawling back on top of him, and then flip the two of you over so he was on top. You lift your arms up above you, batting your eyes at him. "Mind if you help?" He gulps, slowly reaching around you and fumbling with the hook of your bra. His bonebrows furrow. "How do you deal with this thing?" You laugh slightly, reaching around to help him unclip it. He pulls it off, throwing it somewhere in the room, and puts his hand on your breast, running his phalange [finger] over your bud. You whimper, tilting your head. "PJ... Don't tease me~..."

   He growls, nipping at your neck and leaving small marks on the bare skin. You whine, and he gets off of you. He reaches for your hoodie and gets a scarf from inside*1. You giggle, crossing your arms. "How did you know?" He shrugs, coming back and sitting directly on top of your crotch. He pins your hands up above you and ties them together, leaning down to run his tongue across your nips.

   You moan softly, rolling your hips and pressing against his member. He grunts, kissing you on the lips as he pulls your panties down. He rubs his member up against your opening, making you whine as you kiss back. 

   He slowly pushes into you, making you throw your head back in pleasure. You gasp, biting your lip. The pain throbbed throughout your body, and you clench your fists tightly. He trails kisses up and down your neck, waiting patiently for your cue*2.    

   You nod after a second, letting him know he could start moving. He does so, starting slow. You grunt, feeling your breasts bounce with every thrust. You moan softly, looking at him with pleading eyes. "PJ, please... faster... now..." You manage to say through heavy pants, trembling from the pleasure. 

   You throw your head back with a loud moan when he grants your wish, speeding up his pace. It still wasn't to your liking, though. You roll your hips, thrusting upwards to meet him halfway. You and him let out a moan simultaneously, feeling your hips meet his pelvis-bone. 

   He grunts, continuing his hard thrusting motion, going even faster. You grin, drooling slightly. You go to wipe the saliva from the corner of your lip when you remember your wrists are tied together. You struggle to wipe your mouth, but freeze when PJ leans down to lick your lips. He pulls back, smirking, "That get it?" You whimper, shaking your head. "Do that again... Please...~"

   You practically melt when his tongue meets your lips again. You moan as his member buries itself deeper inside of you, letting his tongue do to the same to your mouth and slip inside. He pounds into you, soon hitting the spot that sent you over your high. You let out a very loud moan as your walls clench around his member, letting your fluids out. He gives a few wobbly thrusts before he came himself, shooting his seed deep inside you. He breaks the heated kiss, burying his face into the crook of your neck. He collapses on top of you, panting heavily and in no position to move. You were in a similar state. Your knees were weak, and your arms felt heavy as you held them up so he could untie your wrists. He does so, letting the scarf fall to the floor. He lets out a content sigh, looking up into your eyes.

   "I love you... (Y/n)..." He breaths out, kissing your cheek. He lifts himself up enough to pull out before laying beside you, holding you close to him. You smile, cuddling close to him. "I love... you too... PJ..." You pant out, yawning after your statement. You throw your arms around him, letting yourself doze off. He does the same, falling asleep in your embrace.


*1 - It's actually something I will do in the winter. It gets really cold and windy where I live, so if I go out, say to school, and I might need a scarf, I stuff it in my hoodie, and when i need it, /bam/ i just need to pull it out. it's really convenient.

*2 - Hey can you tell that I'm a theater girl?


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