Fell!Palette (Rurik) x Innocent!Reader - Sugar Sweet

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I like the 1st person writing, so for the last few requests, I'll use it!


   "Ah, shoot..." I mumbled, quickly erasing the mistake. I was trying to draw a really intricate design on a paper, but it was really hard, and I kept messing up. I bit my lip, concentrating as I continued drawing. 

   It was lunchtime, and I was outside sitting at one of the benches. My earbuds were in, for I was listening to my favorite music playlist. Another song came on, and I quietly started humming along to the intro of it. 

   talking away

   i don't know what i'm to say, i'll say it anyway 

   today's another day to find you, shying away 

   i'll be coming for your love, okay

   I smiled, closing my eyes as I started singing along.

   "Take on me.... Take me on... I'll be gone... In a day or two..."

   I dropped my pencil on the table as I finished lining the design. Now to color. 

   I pulled my coloring markers from my bag and started to slowly fill in the spaces. It took all my concentration, just so I didn't mess up. My head was bent over my art as I took my time coloring it. As I was switching colors, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a classmate sit down. 

   My head turned slightly to see who it was, and I almost sighed. I continued coloring as I spoke softly. 

   "What is it, Rurik?"

   I could practically envision a grin slowly forming on his face as he readied his words for me. His oh so harsh words. 

   "Just wanted to see what my little kitten was up to." His voice was playful and flirty. I was used to it, and I just rolled my eyes at him. 

   "Sure, sure, Rurik."

    He called me kitty because at times I acted a lot like one. He claimed that I even purred in my sleep (I've fallen asleep over at his house a few times before, and when he was over at my house-- we've been best friends for years), but I didn't believe that I purred. 

   Oh well. What was I doing? Oh yeah! Design!

   "So, what're you drawing, sugar?"

   Ugh, he's still here. I giggled mentally, turning to look at him with mock annoyance. 

   "First kitten, now sugar? How many nicknames do you know?"

   A smirk formed on his face. "Nicknames? Oh, I like to think of them as pet na-"

   "Anyways," I interrupted him, "I'm drawing something for Ali! She needed a design to put on an outfit, so she trusted me to do it!"

   "You mean Aliana? Your cousin?"

    I nodded, starting to hum along to my music again. 

   Rurik sighed, just settling on watching me color in the design. I decided to use pastels, smiling brightly as I colored in an area with a light yellow color, doing the area around it with a complimentary light blue.

   "Hm. That's really pretty, actually."

   I grinned. "Thank you!"

   Rurik smirked, trying to meet your eye. "You know what else is pretty?"

   The question caught me by surprise, as I didn't actually know what he meant by it. I slowly looked up at him. 


    "I know! The snow! Oh, oh, maybe Autumn time?" I bubbled out an answer, basing it on what I thought was super pretty. I was about to continued rambling on when Rurik put a hand on my cheek. I quickly shut up, my cheeks reddening. 

   "No, you idiot. If you'd stop talking, I'd tell you."

   I grinned playfully. "Well, I'll stop talking now. Spill."

   He grumbled slightly, glancing away before meeting my gaze again. I thought I could see a hint of red on his cheekbones. Maybe it's my imagination?


   He pressed his teeth onto my lips in a short kiss, making me gasp in surprise. My eyes widened at his move. I was frozen as he quickly pulled away, looking a little nervous. 

   "(Y/n)... I.. I've liked you for a while now, and I... No, liked isn't the word. Um, I've.... I... Oh, for fuck's sake! I love you!" 


   I honestly didn't know how to react to it. At first I was confused, but then it clicked. He loves me... He loves me! Oh my lord!

   I squealed, practically throwing myself at him to hug him. He gasped, jumping from the sudden contact. He really didn't expect what happened next, either...

   "I love you too, Rurik!"

   I smashed my lips against his teeth in a sloppy kiss. He didn't move for a moment, but when he recovered, he closed his eyes (how does he do that?) and kissed me back. 

   He grabbed my hand with one hand, intertwining our fingers, as his other hand started playing with my (hair color) hair. 

   I guess you could say, our love was sugar sweet.

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