Pallete X French!Reader | Je T'aime Mon Amour

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I plan on this being as fluffy as a chinchilla but it might become a nice slice of lemon meringue pie.

I plan on this being as fluffy as a chinchilla but it might become a nice slice of lemon meringue pie

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Ahhh sorry for it being so late

Yeah, the reader's french in this one

Pallete will be 19 in this, and you're 18.

Enjoy! <3


   You sat on your bed, hugging a flustered Pallete from behind. You both were watching Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, cuddling. Why don't we refresh a bit?

   A few months earlier, you had moved to this small town. Your parents wanted you to live on your own already, even though you had just turned eight-teen. You sighed, putting the box full of your movies on your made bed. A sigh escaped your rosy lips as you started putting them the movies into a small crate. 

   You sighed as you held one up. The Little Mermaid. We all should know this love story between Princess Ariel and Prince Eric. You knew it all too well. It was your favourite movie as a kid. You place the cd case on your bookshelf, front and centre amongst your horror and mystery.

   You continued unpacking the different assorts of CDs, most of them cop shows or horrors from the 70's. Once done. you put the crate beside the hundreds of books. You discarded of the box and decided to save the rest for tomorrow, after your first day at the nearby high school. 

   You brushed your (h/l) ombre hair and pulled it into a messy bun (Ignore if you have short hair. And the top half of your hair is your natural colour, while the bottom half and/or tips are ombred your favourite colour.) You changed into your pajamas, short shorts and a sports bra and crawled into bed. You wrapped your quilt around you like a burrito and drifted off to a dreamless slumber.

   In the morning, you washed your hair and styled it to your liking. You changed into some casual clothes as well. (Below)

    You grabbed your bag and headed to the school, with style

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    You grabbed your bag and headed to the school, with style.

    Aka on your skateboard, like any jockey teenager would. You made it in 10 minutes. Perfect! Half an hour before class. You head to the front office, holding your skateboard. You knocked on the door, hearing a friendly voice call out "C0me 1n!" you went in. At the desk sat a cat.. dog.. thing...

   It was typing on one of those old fashioned typewriters from centuries ago with those tiny little paws. You'd have to ask where it got the thing. You walked up to the desk. "Bonjour.. Uh, I'm (Y/n), the new student.. I need to get my schedule please and thank you..." You said calmly.

   It looked up at you and grinned somehow. Odd... But you'd seen weirder things back home, so you won't ask. "H0i! 1'm V1ce Pr1nc1pal Temm1e! I g0 get you schedule n0w!" It vibrated as it reached into the desk and grabbed a paper. You took hold of it when it held it out to you. It sounded like a she so...

   Looking over the schedule, you grinned. It had your favourite subjects on it!

 It had your favourite subjects on it!

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(I made it myself.)

   You thank her and walked out of the office. You go to your locker and open it, memorising the combination. You put your stuff in and got out all you need for art. You closed the locker and was about to walk off when you got surprised by someone behind you jumping to in front of you and speaking to you. 

   "Heya! I'm Pallete! I've never seen you before so you must be new! What's your name?!" 

   You blink before smiling. "I'm (Y/n). C'est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

   He gasps softly, the stars in his eyes brightening. "Are you French?! That's so cool! Your accent is awesome!"

   You nod, "Yes, I am. Merci." The smile on your face was soft, so were your eyes. Then you got an idea. "Um, would you mind showing me around? I need some help navigating..." 

   He grins, nodding energetically. "Of course I will! Come one!!" He grabbed hold of your wrist and pulled you along with him, giving you a tour. You kept up with him easily. "Merci Beaucoup!"

  Now, back to the present.

   You and Pallete had become best friends, and soon he had asked you out. You had of course agreed. Now, you were on your fifth date, in your house. It was holiday break, so you both had two weeks for fun. 

   You kissed his cheekbone, which he blushed brightly at. You both hadn't had your first kiss yet, and you wanted to change that. You slowly placed pecks up to the corner of his teeth. You then twisted him so he was on your lap, straddling your hips by accident. You pulled him into a kiss.

   He squeaked softly, blushing brightly. He soon melted into it, kissing back with love and passion. You both pulled away a minute later, panting for air. You gazed into his beautiful eyes, which he did the same to yours. 

   He wrapped his arms around you, one gripping the back of your shirt, the other entangling it's fingers into your hair as he kissed you again. You kissed back, parting your lips when he licked and nipped at them. 

   You gripped the back of the hoodie he was wearing currently as he intertwined his tongue with yours, sucking. You moaned softly, to which he shivered delightedly at. You both parted and you pulled his hoodie off. You pinned him to the soft sheets, the movie forgotten. 

   You ran your hands down his ribs, searching for a sensitive one. He moaned softly when you found it, and you pressed open mouthed kisses to it, sucking every once in a while. After a bit of this, you lay next to him and cuddled him again. 

   He cuddled back happily. "Je t'aime tellement... Et tu es á moi maintenant..." 

   His smile grew wider as he mumbled back. "Good... And I love you too..."

(Word count: 1029)

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