Nightmare x Anxious!Reader - It's Alright

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I'm gonna add songs I like to most of these but unless I say so it's not a song fic ok people

also this gets really steamy and i swear i didn't mean to-


  "Oh, and hope you didn't forget. The essay's due by the end of class. Before the bell rings, I'll come around to your tables and pick it up. You better have it."

  Wait- Essay?! 

  You panicked. You heard nothing about an essay! Beside you, your best friend and classmate, Killer, pulled a three-page paper from his bag and set it in front of him. You stayed frozen in your spot. There wasn't enough time to quickly write it- and you don't even know what it's supposed to be about!

  You felt your anxiety rise. You hadn't felt it in so long. You felt something cold run down your cheek. Killer was looking over at you, surprised at something.

  This something was a single tear sliding down your cheek. His eyesockets widened. He knew you had major anxiety problems, and since he didn't see a paper in front of you, he feared the worst. 

  You bit your lip to keep it from quivering. You were starting to hyperventilate. Time passed too quickly, and Mr. Nightmare started walking around, collecting the papers. You tense up, curling into a ball. 

  Too quickly, he reached your and Killer's little corner table. He picked up Killer's packet but raised an eyebrow (er, bonebrow) at you. You shoved your face into your knees, shaking slightly. 


  Oh gosh you were just about to burst into tears. The salty water droplets pressed at the eyelids of your eyes, which you squeezed tightly closed.

  "Where's your paper?"

  Que the tears. You start sobbing, shaking violently. Your teacher's eyesockets widened at your sudden outburst. "I-I'm sorry! I-I n-n-never heard a-about it!" You bury your face further in your knees, trying to stop your crying.

  Nightmare was extremely worried. He hadn't expected you to cry over a little paper. At worst, he'd just ask you to redo it, with 25 points counted off as late. You were acting like this was the biggest grade in this class.

  "Hey, (Y/n), it's fine. Just.. see me after class. You're not in trouble."

  You looked up at him through teary vision to see a soft smile gracing his features. You sniffle, "A-are you sure..?"

  He smiled at you and went on to the others. Killer put a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb bone in circles to help calm you. You sigh, melting into his embrace.  

  Soon, the bell rang. Everyone started packing and going to their next class. You stayed seated until everyone left. When your classmates were gone, you put your stuff in your bag but kept it at your desk. You walked over to Mr. Nightmare's desk. 

  He turned to you. Before he could speak, you quickly blurted out. "I'm very sorry Mr. Nightmare! I had no idea we had an essay due, and I'll do anything to make it up!"

  He blinked, mulling over your words. He smirked. "Anything? Are you sure about that?"

  You nodded, "Yes sir..."

  He stood and took a step towards you-- then hugged you close to him. "What class do you have next?"

  "It's a free period for me.. Why?" You answered him, then questioned him. He chuckled, "I don't have a class this next period, so I guess you can make up for the assignment right now." 

  "M-may I ask, how?" You nervously muttered as he pressed his teeth against your cheek. It wasn't just the fact that your hot teacher was doing it; You actually liked him! Your face reddened at his response.

  "I don't know, whatever you want really. Just stay here with me.. love." 

  You pressed your legs together, feeling heat down there as his hands traveled to your waist. He pecked the corner of your lips, then moved into a real kiss. You immediately kissed back, tilting your head slightly and wrapping your arms around his neck (er, upper spine?). 

   He nipped at your bottom lip, pulling you closer to him. You let your mouth slide open, and he let his tongue slither i- Wait he has a tongue?! Not.. what you were expecting, to say the least. Well, back to the situation at hand. You know, your hot teacher is making out with you.

   You feel his hand entangle itself in your hair, tugging lightly every once in a while. You moan softly, his tongue exploring every crevice of your mouth. 

  He sits down in his chair, pulling you down with him so you straddled his lap. He had waited for this for so long. Ever since the first time he saw you, he knew you were different. You were hot, and cute, at the same time. Honest, quiet, a good listener, smart. A perfect student. You were perfect in his eyesockets. Of course, you didn't seem to mind at all. Right now you were a quivering, moaning mess. 

    You were breathing heavily as he moves to your neck, nipping and licking at the skin. You grab at his shirt, struggling to get a hold as he left a hickey somewhere you could cover easily. You moaned loudly as he found your sweet spot and attacked. He then pulled away, lust in his eyes. 

  "If you want.. we could continue doing this tomorrow?" He already knew the answer. 

   "Of course.." You answered, still trying to get air in your lungs. You get off of him and he pecks your cheek. You wave and go grab your bag, then leave.

   He chuckled, watching you leave. He couldn't wait for tomorrow's 'make-up session'.

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