Dust x Nerd!Reader - Can't Help Falling In Love

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Talent show

Play the song when requested


  You were jittery and nervous that morning on the bus. In your arms you held the case for your ukulele. It was the day of the talent show at your school, and you were participating. In fact, you were singing a song by Elvis Presley, for the skeleton you liked. Of course, he had no idea. This was how you would confess. 

  You stare out the window with a stupid little smile on your face. Your best friend Dust was such a cute nerd with those big red glasses. However, people warn you. They tell you to stay away from him, don't let his glasses come off. You've heard rumors about him going ballistic, but you ignored it. You liked crazy.

  The bus pulled up to the school and the doors opened. Kids rushed off, and you manage to slip off as first to avoid the swarm of kids. You head into the school as rain starts to fall. It was soft and steady.

  You were hyperventilating. In front of the whole school, you'd be performing soon. No one had ever heard you sing before, heck, only a select handful had even heard you speak before! People didn't know you played the ukulele. They didn't care. 

  You try to calm down, reminding yourself why you're doing this. You watch as some popular girls walk off stage. You have no idea what they did, only that it was probably really dumb and slutty.

  "And now, we have (Y/n) (L/n) performing a song."

  Oh no. That's your name. Come on feet move god damnit.

  You slowly shuffle onto stage, up to the stool and microphone set up, and plop down onto the stool. You collect yourself and stutter softly into the mic,

  "Hey people.. Uh, I'm g-going to sing a special s-song for someone I l-love.. He knows w-who he is..." 

  A few people whistled, most clapped. You spotted Dust in the audience up front. He looked surprised, but smiled and gave you a thumbs up. You smile slightly and adjust yourself, then start strumming, letting your eyelids drop.

This is where you play the song

   Right when you sang the first note, people were hooked. It sounded like you weren't nervous, even though you were dying inside. Dust gasped slightly, not having expected your voice to be so angelic. He felt a blush rise to his face. 

  Behind you, the girls who were previously up front were furious. You had stolen the spotlight, by being amazing and the best one so far. Probably also the best of all the ones to come. And this angered them.

  "For I can't help falling in love with you..."

  Your eyes jerked open at the loud applause. You felt your face grew hot as you grinned, waved, and scampered off stage. You stayed seated behind the main stage for the rest of the show, awaiting for the awards given. The time came too soon.

  You, along with everyone else who went up, walked onto the stage together. You nervously watched the teacher in charge of the event, Mr. Ink, walk up to the microphone. 

  "Good afternoon, students. Those all were some admirable performances, don't you think? Well, I'm here to give a few awards to the ones we loved the most." 

  He rattled off names and awards, but you didn't listen. You were staring down at Dust. He seemed to be listening for something. 

  You broke from your daydream when you heard your name called, followed by Mr. Ink saying "First place". You blush deeply as he slips the medal over your head. It rested right next to your heart. He smiled at you, "Good job."

  You mumbled something of thanks, still caught up in that daze. You won first place on top of that! Soon you all were released, and you watched as the audience scrambled to get out of the gymnasium. You followed suit of the 12th graders, keeping an eye out for a certain someone.

  After your last period of the day, your eyes were wet, but nothing fell. You hadn't seen Dust, and he would have searched you out immediately. You headed for the front doors, outside when someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you to them in a tight hug.

  "Y-You did amazing (N/n)!" You blush in the embrace of Dust. He was praising you, and you just took it and hugged back, marveling in his warmth. After a bit, he pulled away slightly, looking you in the eye. 

  "(Y/n), when you said that song was for someone, who was it for..?"

  You avert your eyes, surely a cherry now. "W-well, um, i-it's for... it's f-for y-y-you..." You mumble quietly.

  Dust's eyesockets widen as you confirm his thoughts. He smile softly, placing a hand on your cheek. You look up at him as he pulls you in a kiss.

  You kiss back gladly, holding him close. After a few seconds, he pulls back.

  "I can't help falling in love with you (Y/n)."


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