PJ x Skeleton!Reader - Confidence

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   You shuffle your feet, moving slowly through the crowded halls. Your hood covered your skull, jacket sleeves too long. Sure, you caught a glimpse of a bunch of skeletons around, but they were all males. It was rare to find a female skeleton these days. 

   Gulping, you look back down at the schedule in your hands. 'Okay, Mr. Error is next period. Gym... Where's the gym?'

   You see, you're a transfer student. You moved from (some small country) to America, because your parents got jobs here. Since they were never home, you couldn't be homeschooled, so starting today, you go to the nearest public school: Undertale High. You were surrounded by other monsters, and even a handful of humans. 

   You slip through the crowd, eyelights scanning for the gym. Eventually, you broke away from the crowd and found it. You push open the door and stumble into the gymnasium. You squint your eyesockets at the sudden bright fluorescent lights on the ceiling. Compared to them, the lights out in the hallways were mediocre, not fully lit. 

   (eye color) lights land on who you assume to be the teacher, and you approach him. You eye his black bones and rough eyes warily, your own bones rattling slightly. You clear your throat, glancing at him before looking down. "Uh- h-hello... I'm... You're m-mister E-E-Error... r-right?"

   Your quiet voice wavers, as you stutter out the simple question. You're met with a rather loud answer. "Yeah, I am, squirt! Who else would I be? You new?"

   "Gah! Um, y-yeah, I am, in f-fact..." You are certain that he could hear your bones rattling severely in their sockets. He eyes you for a moment, before waving you off. "Yeah, yeah, welcome to my class, I expect results from you, zygote. Now go get changed and be ready to run ten laps around the gym perimeter." 

   'Changed?' Your skull pales, but you hurriedly nod and stagger off in the direction of the changing rooms. You slip in and drop your bag on the bench. You glance around the room and swiftly pull off your jacket and shirt, switching it for a work-out shirt. You then put back on your jacket, but keep your hood down for now. You swap your long skirt for basketball shorts, and finally change your shoes. You stuff your previous clothes in your bag and leave the bag in the corner.

   You pull up your hood before you leave the changing rooms, eyelights nervously flicking around. You stand near a wall as you watch other students file in and go change. One particularly catches your eye. The skeleton had black bones, and the top of his skull was slightly floaty at the top. I mean, that's how you describe it, so... You're jolted from your daydream and thoughts as the bell rings, and the students gather in the center. You hustle over to join them, a soft (fav color) blush dotting your cheekbones as people peer at you. You tug at your hood, willing it to further cover your face. 

   Looking to the side, you almost faint at the sight of the black boned skeleton from before. Your eyelights trail his face, his jawline, his rounded cheekbones- You snap your head back down, face heating up considerably. 'No, no, no! It's class time, you can fantasize later!'

   Eventually, you and the class were instructed to run ten laps around the gym, without pausing. You stretch your arms across your chest, taking a deep breath. Mr. Error blew his whistle, and everyone broke into a run, the thunderous sound of shoes slapping on the wood floor ringing through the large room. A couple of times, you get elbowed by oblivious classmates, but eventually your small figure slips through the crowd, and you get to the front. From then, you could speed up, using your rather long legs to propel yourself forwards. Your hood, miraculously, stays on as you breeze through the ten laps, like a fish in water.

   When you finish, your hands latch onto your kneecaps, as you double over, catching your breath. Your mouth opens and closes as you breathe steadily. Someone stops beside you, doubling over into a similar position to yours. You look over, and-- bam!-- your heart speeds up, hammering against your rib cage. Your eyelights dialate as they sweep over the same black boned skeleton from before. You look down, putting a hand over your mouth in embarrassment. 

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