PJ X Skeleton!Reader (P2) - Ever Lasting

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   You hugged the pillow closer to you, your frail figure shaking uncontrollably. (fav color) tears ran down your cheekbones, but no sound came from your mouth. It was becoming often that you jolted awake from night terrors. Normally, you'd text your boyfriend for comfort, but you couldn't seem to be able to move your hand to pick up your phone. 

   'I need you Pj...'

   A soft sob escaped your mouth, racking your petite form and setting loose even more tears.

   You slammed a hand over your mouth, despite knowing the bones will do nothing to stop the flood of tears your eyesockets were producing. 

   'Where are you...?'

   You sat down at your desk for your first period, letting out a quiet sigh. Your friend looked over, brushing some of her white hair from her face. "(Y/n)? Is something the matter?"

   "Nah, it's fine, (friend's name)." You mustered a smile, hoping it was convincing. Her pale red eyes held suspicion, but she let the matter drop and returned to her reading.

   The bell rang for class to start, and you tried to pay attention to the lesson, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the dream you had last night.

   'Relax... You're not losing him.'

   You panted heavily,  pausing with your hands on your knees as you rested yourself before continuing to run around the big track. You focused your mind on the task at hand. 

   Mr. Error wanted everyone to run for as long as they could. You were one of the last few left. The majority of the class had already stopped. You were lucky that you ran a lot, otherwise you'd be part of that majority of the class. 

   A few laps later, you stopped at where Mr. Error was standing, gasping for air. "You done now, (Y/n)?" You nodded at his question, sitting down next to one of your friends in the class. Frisk looked over at you with concern, their hair covering their eyes for the most part. You grinned at them. 

   It wasn't long after that everyone was done with their laps. Pj sat down beside you when he was done, lasting about two more laps than you. You smile at him, leaning over to peck his cheekbone. 

   A grin spreads onto his face, and he pecks you back. In the background, Frisk makes a fake gagging sound, making you giggle and turn to shoot a playful glare at them.

   You laugh as you spin around, a puddle splashing underneath your feet. You can hear Pj laughing at your antics, and you grin at him before continuing with jumping and twirling in puddles of rainwater. A light drizzle rained down from above, making the neighborhood around you two peaceful and quiet. 

   Suddenly, you turned and looked at Pj. "You wanna come over? My parents won't be home for dinner, so we can have a movie night!" There was no hidden message behind your words, no implications of the night housing more. You were simply suggesting some movies and probably Kraft Mac and Cheese.

   Pj grinned and nodded. "Of course! That sounds like fun. I'm sure my dad won't mind." You cheer, throwing your hands in the air. 


   After your little celebration, you reach over and grab his hand, pulling him into a run beside you. "Come on!"

   You snuck off the couch later that night. One quick look at the clock said it was past midnight, almost one am. You grab a container of leftover brownies from the fridge and stumble back into the living room, carefully plopping down next to Pj. He was trying to not doze off. You and he had constantly been dozing off throughout the night, movies always playing. 

   Giggling quietly, you pull a brownie out of the container and prod it at his teeth. He jolts, eyesockets widening as he looked over at you. You burst out laughing while he huffs and pouts at you. "(Y/n)..." He dragged your name out, feigning annoyance at you.

   "Whaaat?" You say between giggles, bringing the brownie up to your mouth to bite it. As you do, he leans forward and bites the other end of it. You squeak, dropping the rest of the chocolate treat. "Ah- P-Pj!"

   He smirks at you, sticking out a tongue. You stick your tongue out back at him before poking his chest. "Be lucky I love you, stupid." 

   "Hah, love you too, babe." He winks, leaning forward to kiss you. 

   You go to kiss back, but then quickly remember you're trying to be mad at him and pull back. He whines, pouting again. "But (Y/n)...!" 

   "Idiot..." You mutter, rolling your eyelights and pulling him down into a kiss. 

   You gasp, sitting up quickly as you started hyperventilating. Your sudden movement awoke Pj too, who you had been laying next to. He looks up at you, bleary-eyed until he noticed tears dripping down your cheekbones. He gasps, leaning up to pull you into a hug, suddenly wide awake. 

   "Shh... It's alright, (Y/n)..."

   He mutters quiet words of consolation to you, a hand tracing circles on the back of your neck bone. 

   After a while, you quieted down to small hiccups every once in a while. This had become something that happened once or twice a week. It was better than it was in high school, when it was every night that you had night terrors. 

   You rested your mandible on his shoulder, looking down at your hands. You lifted your (dominant side) hand to your face, eyes gazing on the ring resting on your ring finger. It brought a smile on your face, and you pulled back slightly to look Pj in the eyes. "I love you..."

   He smiled back, pecking your cheekbone before responding. "I love you too, (Y/n). Let's go back to sleep."

   You lay back down, curled up in his arms. It was comforting, his presence being there with you. You drifted off, him following you into sleep. 

   'I'm never going to regret marrying him...'

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