Nightmare x Artistic!Asexual!Reader - Teen Idle

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welp let's get straight into this

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity

The song kinda goes with the fic, but it's not a song fic


  Once again, another day at your stupid high school. You, surrounded by the complete retards you have to call your classmates. 

  It was lunch time, and you headed out to the courtyard to eat, alone, as usual. If people approach you, they soon leave realizing your sexuality. You've never had any attraction to anyone. It's just as well. Someone you love leaving you causes all this drama. People threatening to commit suicide, people getting addicted to substances like alcohol and cigarettes. 

  You focus on eating your lunch, watching people weave about around you. Across from you, a couple was making out, getting really steamy. 

  That afternoon when you got home, you complained to your mom. 

  "Mom, I want to go to a different school."

  She agreed it would be best, and looked into finding a high school close to you. That night, as you were reading your favorite book, your mom popped in. "I found something."

  It was a large private school, closer than your previous. Your mom enrolled you in that school, planning for you to go there after the weekend ended. You were really excited. 

  "I fucking hate everything."

  You slammed your locker shut, heading to your last period of the day. According to your schedule, it was history with Mr. Nightmare. His name seemed interesting enough. 

  Finding the classroom was easy, it was close to your locker. You go in and look around at the people already seated. You take a deep breath and look over at the desk, to find it empty. 

  You sigh, going over to someone sitting alone. "Uh, hey there, I'm new to this class and I'd like to ask.. what's the teacher like?"

  The young skeleton looks up in surprise, but then smirks, "Boy, I feel sorry for you. Mr. Nightmare is no joke!" His eyesockets go dark, void of the light in them before. "He loves to feed of the misery of his students, especially the new ones. One little fuck up, and it's the end!"

  He seemed to watch you with this little smirk on his face, but you weren't that scared. Heck, the teachers at your old school were way worse. You decided to respond with a joke.

  "Sheesh! What a nightmare."

  He stared at you blankly for a second before bursting out laughing. You grin, sitting down beside him as the tardy bell rings. "I'm (Y/n), what's your name?" 

  "I'm Killer." He replied quietly as the teacher walked into the classroom. Your eyes widened at his appearance. His eyesocket lights traveled over all the students who immediately sat down. "I've been informed we have a new student joining us. I would tell her to introduce herself, but frankly, I don't care." Your face heated up as some kids turned back to look at you, snickering. You ducked your head down, avoiding their eyes. You felt a new pair of eyes on you and you sneak a glance up to see the teacher, Mr. Nightmare, looking at you.

  Your face heats up even more, and you quickly look down again. He goes over to his desk and sits down. "Today your task is to get a book from the back and read pages 163 to 169. When done with that, write down on paper how..." You tuned him out from this point on. Simple enough. You reached behind you and grabbed two of the books, as instructed. You handed one to Killer, who thanked you quietly. 

  You smile at him and crack open the book to the instructed page, starting to read.

  Ring. Ring.

  You stand up, gathering your stuff and shoving the book back into it's place. You survived your first day at this place. You were about to walk out when you heard someone call your name. You turn and slowly shuffle to the teacher. "Yes, mister?" You ask, your eyes downcast.

  He smirked a little at your appearance. "Good afternoon, (Y/n). I welcome you to my class. I would just like to mention that, after you finished reading the section from the book, you got out paper but didn't write anything. I noticed you doodling instead." Damn. Was this guy watching you? 

  "I apologize, sir. It won't happen again.." You mumble, hoping he'd let you go. He blinked, straightening. "Actually, I would like to see what you were drawing. If it's good enough, I'll let you go without another word." You look up in surprise. Wait, he wanted to see it?!

  You slowly pull the folded up paper from your sweatshirt pocket, unfolded it, and handed it to him. You watched him as he looked at it. His eyesockets widened as he saw the drawing you drew of him. You wait for his response, him to say it wasn't good enough. 

  "It's good." His voice sounded strained. He was trying to hold back his praise. You were a really good artist. Despite being at the back of the room, you had captured all of the details. He put it to the side. "It's really good, (Y/n). So much, it's mine now. I'm keeping it. Now go home. We won't speak of this again."

  You were shocked at his words, eyes wide. You quickly nodded and turned, walking out of the room briskly. He chuckled softly, eager to get to know you.

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