Juke Paint X French!Reader | Mutual Feelings

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Requested by Paiinty

Juke Paint is the skelebab above. He's so cuuute! He was created by the person who requested this one shot. Great job to them btw.

Alright, both Juke and the reader are French, and this is fluffy. Sorry if it's slightly ooc though.

And late as funk holy blatchen bizzle sorry




   Books spilt out in front of you as you tripped. What did you trip over? Paperjam's foot. He did it on purpose. Rage filled your veins as you stood, picking up your binders, books, and pencils. 

   You growled out at him, "allez vous baiser avec une tronçonneuse ..." then walked away to the library. Once away from him, you smiled triumphantly, proud that you told Paperjam to fuck himself with a chainsaw.

   Thank God Paperjam doesn't know French. 

   But little did you know, someone overheard what you said. Someone who was French too. 

   And that someone felt a connection to you immediately. 


   You grunted, banging your face on the book you were reading. And you regretted doing that. You rubbed your sore nose, not noticing someone sit beside you. 

   "Why did you do that, ami?" (Ami = Friend)

   You squeaked, falling back in your chair by surprise. The skeleton yelped softly and caught you. You flushed, looking up at the stranger. "Are you alright?" He asked caringly, but shyly.

   That just happened to be one of the best days of your life.

   It was only the beginning of this year. You sighed, stuffing your bag with your stuff. There were so many assignments....

   You grimaced as the bell rang. It was only third period. Thankfully it was lunch now, and you went to the cafeteria. 

   After getting and paying for your lunch, you sat by yourself in solemn silence, eating the nachos given. Yes, you did dip them in the cheese dip you were given. Golly, they were good. Your blank face broke into a smile when someone sat across from you.

   "Bonjour Juke." You had befriended the skeleton in only a day, and it's been months now. You even have a small crush on the cutie, I mean how could you not? You both chatted for the time, but the bell rang too soon, ending lunch. "Au Revoir Juke!" You give him farewell, him doing the same. He kissed your cheek before walking away, and your face lit up like a Christmas tree. 

   You giggle dreamily, going to your next class. In class, however, you notice someone not there, like in all your other classes. All of your academic classes you shared with the main popular girl, the mythic bitch, Bunny Chandler. (I am sorry for vaguely bringing another fandom into this one shot. I recently got into Heathers and I am obsessed oml-)

      After a while, an announcement sounds over all of around the school, telling students and teachers of the 12th grade to go to the cafeteria, being that was the largest room with seating in the school. Everyone stood, filing silently to the cafe. Mrs Flemmings, God you hate her, walked around, handing everyone a hastily written note on paper. You read the first sentence, and your face paled. 

Dear world, Believe it or not, I knew about fear; I knew the way loneliness stung.

   This could not be good...


Hey guys! This is left at a cliffhanger since I really don't know how to end it... 

I apologize about the late coming chapter thing a million times. Anyways, I truly hope you enjoyed it! See ya on the flipside!

Oh and don't worry. The next one-shot and all those after it will keep to just the NaJ fandom, unless you guys want me to add a fandom to a one-shot. Only if I know the fandom though.

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