Dust X Bullied!Gamer!Reader - My Hero

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Quick heads up. I'm gonna try to write from a different point of view style this time. Instead of it being 2nd person (you, your, etc) I'm using 1st person (I, I'm, etc) pronouns instead. Just to try something new. 

And I'm sorry about not updating for so long! School's back in session, and the bucketload of work has never been so heavy. Plus I got punched in the stomach recently, and now eating makes me nauseous. Updates will be slow. I'll try to do as much as I can!


   I felt myself get slammed into the locker behind me, my heart pounding. I could feel my blood pumping, my heart beating against my ribs. All over, I hurt. I was going to bruise in many different places. And it's all thanks to the jocks in front of me. They jeered at me and pulled my dyed hair. The bottom half of my hair was dyed a bright shade of (favorite color*) [*make it something that isn't black, white, or gray please!].

   But apparently this made me a target of bully. What was so wrong with being different from everyone else? I remember the day I first arrived to this school, with the naive level of a freshman, and my bright (eye color) eyes shining as they surveyed all around me. High school had been foreign to me at that time. I wish I could return to those days of carelessness. I was so carefree... 

   That all changed when I dyed half of my (hair color) hair to (favorite color*). I just wanted to be different from everyone else. But now, my eyes were dull, and I wore long sleeves and jeans everyday to hide the ever growing bruises shaping on my limbs. Surely my sides were riddled with them as well. Nothing ever changed. 

   Nothing changed, as I trudged home later, full of aches and pains throbbing through my body. I held a tissue to my nose, blood dripping from it lightly. More than once, I'd considered overdosing on my pills, but I always shook the thought away. I could never leave my only parent. My father worked day and night to support us. I couldn't bear leaving him alone in this world, after my mother left him. 

   Nothing had changed; Until I got home. 

   I slid in through the door, tossing my bloodied tissue in a trashcan. I felt under my nose for any more blood flow, and felt none. I dropped my bag to the floor and left to go to my room, aching for the familiar weight of my controller and headset-- my outlet nowadays was games. To be exact, visual novel games. At the current time, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc was my friend, pulling me to a distant world where things were simpler, yet tough. 


   I jolted in place, stopping in the middle of the hall. I slowly turned, squeaking out a high pitched "Hmm?" to my father. He strode forward, smiling widely. "(Y/n), I have news. I got a job in (Random city you don't live in). We're moving. Go pack, we leave tomorrow morning." 

   His joy was automatically contagious, and I grinned. "Really? That's great!" Danganronpa would have to wait, which I wasn't too happy about-- Makoto's nerdy voice was musical to the ears. 

   I rushed off to my room, climbing the stairs two at a time. I was ecstatic! Finally, I could escape from the hellish school I was currently going to. I immediately started packing up everything-- my books, my devices, my clothes, everything. I took care when handling my gaming console. That was the one thing I cared for most. 

   I quickly fell asleep, not bothering to change out of my clothes or eat. 

   The following morning, I woke up from a sharp jolt of pain from my stomach. I groaned, rising slowly from my bed and going down to the kitchen. I found leftover pancakes in the fridge and heated them up, mouth watering as the smell slowly wafted from the microwave.

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