Cil X Reader | Heated Love

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Okay I don't know Cil's personality that much so bare with me here.

Requested by 

Play the music when told to.

Lime-ish? Not a lemon, but not fluff.

Cil has Genophobia so it can't be a lemon, and I don't want more fluff.

Enjoy! <3


   You were sitting at your desk, waiting for class to start. You had your headphones on, listening to music when you noticed someone sit next to you. You glance up and see Cil, your best friend, and crush.

   You smile, turning off the music and putting your headphones in your bag. "Hi Cil!" You greeted with a small blush.

   Cil returned the big goofy grin you had on your face, "Hey (Y/n). How have ya been?"

   "Pretty good, been missing you. What about you?" That was your reply. It had been a miserable long winter break without the appearance of your friend in it. You have to admit though, Christmas in (h/t) was awesome with your parents, as mean as they were.

   The adorable cinnamon roll replied, "Awwe, I missed you too! It was lonely without you." 

   This made you squeal softly and hug him. "You cutie!" He pouted at being called cute but didn't say anything, hugging back.

   Mr Ink, the teacher, yeah you two had art class together, walked in and everyone quieted. You and Cil parted from the hug and listened to what he had to say.

   Turns out, there's a project you all have a week to work on. It's a small skit, that has to have music and your own artwork in it. And yes, everyone gets to choose a partner. You and Cil share a look, the kind friends use to tell the other 'yes, we're being partners'.

    Everyone else knew you two were gonna be partners. In fact, some of the students wondered why you two haven't started dating yet. Beats me, and I'm the author.

   Mr Ink let you all talk with your partners on what you would do. You and Cil decided on you writing a song, and you both make props and stuff. It's gonna be like a real life music video, or something. You both agreed on him coming to your house after school to work on it. He started designing some stuff you both could make, and you thought up song ideas. You could use your guitar, now to decide upon a melody and lyrics...

   You decided a type of love song. You wrote down some ideas but denied them all. It had to be better than this... Then the idea hit you. You looked over at Cil, who was deep in thought. You smiled, getting a great idea.

    You wrote down a song title and nodded. It was perfect.


   You and your best bud buddy friend crush were walking to your home. You had put on your scarf earlier to block you from the wind. Cil wasn't bothered by it, as it went through him, literally. Damn bones. 

   Once at your two story home, you let him in. On the table beside the front door was a note from your parents.

   'We won't be home in time to feed the pet. You'll need to feed (him/her) and yourself. Don't wait up. And no funny business. -(M/n) and (F/n)'

   You sighed, not bothering to move it. It'll probably be needed for tomorrow. And the next day. Your parents were busy with their jobs.

   You lead Cil up to your room and dropped both of your bags onto your bed. You got your craft supplies from your closet, and your guitar from its spot by the window. 

   Cil sat on your bed and you sat on the little seat in front of it. "Did you come up with a song?" He asked you, to which you nodded. "Yeah. The song is called 'I Wouldn't Mind'."

   He smiled, "Sounds good!" You position your guitar so that you could play it. "I'll play what I have so far." 

(Play first 25 seconds of it.)

   When you had finished, Cil applauded. "That was great!" You blush and glance away, "T-thanks. So, what are the prop ideas?" 


----Timeskip to after the discussion----

   You both agreed on something. You also had finished the song. You wanted to perform it for Cil, and maybe confess something...

   You got him to sit on the bed and you stood in front of him. He seemed confused as to what you were doing, but got the idea when you got your guitar.

   (Play song)

   As he was about to clap, you put the guitar down and sat next to him, awfully close. He blinked at your actions, blushing softly. 

   You cupped your hands on his cheekbones and pulled him closer to you. "I wouldn't mind... at all... I love you Cil." You mumbled before nuzzling the bab.

   Said bab was blushing brightly, his eyesockets wide in surprise. 'They... love me?!' He thought in his mind.

   Without thinking, he kissed you. You squeaked from surprise, having not expected it from him. You soon melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his hips?. He wrapped his arms around your neck, and you decided to do something risky. You stuck your tongue out a bit and prodded at his teeth.

   His cheekbones felt like they were on fire to him as he parted his teeth a bit, revealing a tongue to your surprise. You smirk into the kiss and delve deeper into it.

   After a minute long hot make-out session, you both pulled out from it. 

   The two of you gazed into each other's eyes, soft panting ridding the silence. 

   And you both got into another hot make-out.

   Let's just say, it was fun. 

   And you both got an A+ on the project. Great job!

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