Error X Teacher!Reader | Ready or Not

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This is the last idea I have.

Please request stuff!


You are Inky

Enjoy! <3


    You are an art teacher at -insert high school near you-. But recently, you got a new job offer at Underhigh. Your sister, (S/n), was jealous of your job so you gave your job at -insert high school near you- to her and took the offer.

   Now here you were, struggling to find an outfit for the first day. Apparently, the previous art teacher there quit due to 'personal reasons' so here you were, digging through your closet for the perfect outfit. Eventually, you settled on a simple, cute one.

 Eventually, you settled on a simple, cute one

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(Choose one. I literally named the file "TEACHDATASS.jpg" when I saved it onto my laptop to add here.)

    After styling your silky (h/c) with a(n) (f/c) streak in it to your liking and grabbed your stuff, heading out to your (f/c) (favourite car type?) car. You got in and drove the half an hour drive to the school.  

    You rushed to the art room and once in, you studied the layout of the room. It was simple. You placed your bags behind the desk and sat at it. You got your phone and headphones out, putting the headphones on and plugging them into your phone, you played and sang along with your favourite song by Britt Nicole. (Above)

I tried to cover my shine
I've tried staying in the lines
I, I, I don't wanna hide
No, not tonight

You, you, you want me to take my light, light
Fit it in your box, right?
I want you to look me in the eye, eye, eye, eye

Ready or not
Here, here, here, here I come
I'm about to show you where the light comes from
Oh, oh, oh ready or not
Here, here I come
This is who I am
I won't hide it
I'mma take it all over the world
To the young, to the old, every boy and girl
Ready or not
Here, here I come
I'mma show the world where the love is

I'm not ever selling out love
A love out loud is what it's all about
Giving everything to see the lost get found
Yeah, it's going down

You, you, you want me to take my light, light
Fit it in your box, right?
I want you to look me in the eye, eye, eye, eye

Ready or not
Here, here, here, here I come
I'm about to show you where the light comes from
Oh, oh, ready or not
Here, here I come
This is who I am
I won't hide it
I'mma take it all over the world
To the young, to the old, every boy and girl
Ready or not
Here, here I come
I'mma show the world where the love is-

    You heard a faint sound of someone clearing their throat. You opened your eyes and immediately turned off the music. Getting your headphones off, you awkwardly bit your lip before mumbling a "hello?"

    This.. skeleton... rolled his... eyes..? before walking over to your desk and standing across from you. "I sAiD, aRe YoU tHe NeW aRt TeAcHeR?" You nodded shyly. "I a-am.. W-who are y-y-you?" 

    He sighed. "ErRoR, p.E. tEaChEr." He said, bored. You had to admit, he was kinda cute... 

   You were broken from your thoughts when he said, "ThE bElL iS gOnNa RiNg SoOn. DoN't FoRgEt, YoU nEeD tO gIvE tHeM aN aSsIgNmEnT tO dO. dUrInG lUnCh BrEaK, mEeT mE iN tHe GyMnAsIuM." You nodded, and he left. You sighed, he seemed pretty grouchy. Then, the bell rang.

    Students filed in, taking places at their desks. Once everyone was inside, you stood and introduced yourself.

    That was five years ago. Now, you and Error were at your place, watching an old horror flick. The Exorcist. This was the fifth time, and it never got old. You two would laugh at stuff, pointing out shit. 

    You and he had started dating three years ago, and you were ready to pop the question on your bae. Just when... 

    Now, is the time, you told yourself. You paused the movie, and Error looked at you with confusion. "Is something wrong (cute nickname)?" You blushed softly and stood, facing him. Taking a deep breath, you started your speech. "Error, for three years, I've loved you with all my heart. Now, I'm hoping we can take it to the next level.." You got on one knee and opened the small box, revealing the ring.

" You got on one knee and opened the small box, revealing the ring

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    "Will you do the honours of marrying me, my love?"

    You awaited the response. Error was shocked, his eyesockets wide. There were small tears popping at the side. He grinned brightly and hugged you tightly. "YES! A million times yes!"

   You took a sigh of relief. Honestly, you were expecting rejection. This was awesome. You slipped the ring onto his ring finger and kissed him. He kissed back happily.

   It was sweet, full of love, passionate, and just perfect.

   "I love you (Y/n)..." He mumbled when you both pulled away.

   "I love you too Error.."


(Word count: 855)

Damn, that was short. Sorry, I was just running out of ideas to use. Please, request some damn one-shots. Come on, you know you wanna.~

Haha just kidding

But please

Do it

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