Cheater!PJ x Reader x Pallete - Dear Darlin'

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i really like harems but my requests said no


   You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You bite your lip, slowly closing the door. It only muffled the sounds from the other side slightly. Tears gathered in your eyes and you quickly shuffle back down stairs. 

   You shoulder your bag and pick up the cupcakes you brought. PJ had something better to eat at the moment. You leave the spare key he had given you on the table and leave, walking back home. 

   PJ had asked you out sophomore year of high school, and it was a lovely two years of dating him. He was sweet and loving. But recently, you and him were becoming distanced. He no longer replied to your texts immediately, never called you, and you rarely saw him at school. So you decided to make cupcakes and visit him. You got in his house with the spare key he gave you but didn't see him. 

   You place the cupcake plate on the coffee table in the living, setting your bag on the couch. He must be in his room, you thought to yourself. You walk up the stairs and crack open the door. There, in his bed, he was doing the deed with the leader of the popular girls. You gasp, not heard over their moans. 

   You sit on your bed, the cupcakes downstairs on the kitchen counter. Your bag drops to the floor and you lean back, covering your face. You let it all out, sobbing loudly. It was so obvious but I was too idiotic to see it. It hurt to admit, but it was true. You roll onto your stomach and hug your pillow. 

   Your phone rings but you don't bother answering it, something very uncharacteristic of you. You just let yourself go, soaking your bed sheets with your tears. After a while, you calm down and lay there, turning back over and gazing at the ceiling. 

   You stand, going over to your bathroom and looking in the mirror. You were a wreck. Your eyes were red, your hair a mess, and your cheeks tear stained. You grab a cloth and let warm water run over it. You go out to your room and get different clothes, setting them on your bed. You go back into the bathroom and turn off the water, picking up the cloth and squeezing it so it was damp. You sit on the floor, leaning against the wall, and set it over your face, relaxing. (This actually feels really good you should try it)

   The doorbell rings, and you jolt up. You set the cloth on the edge of the tub and hurry down to the front door. You look through the peephole and see your best friend standing there. You rub your face clear of all water and open the door with a bright smile on your face, greeting him. "Hey there Pallete!"

   He looked at you, worry present on his face. You bite your lip slightly, nervous. Finally, he spoke, "What's wrong? You didn't answer when I called you (Y/n)." 

   You sigh, letting him in. He did so, and you lead him up to your room. You sit on the edge of your bed, and he sits beside you. 

   You spill, telling him what you saw when you went over to PJ's house. Pallete listened carefully, wrapping an arm around you in an embrace. You lean into him, soaking in his warmth. When you were done, he hugged you close to him.

   "He wasn't worth it anyways. You deserve someone who will treat you right and never leave you." Someone like me... He refrained from saying that last part. It broke his heart to see you so broken like this. Heck, it hurt him when you ended up liking PJ instead. In all honesty, he had liked you from the first time he saw you, but he got put in the friend zone, without you even knowing. 

   You smile, burrowing your face into his chest, your face warm, "Thank you.. Pallete..." If you were being honest, you had grown distant from PJ too. You slowly felt your heart being pulled somewhere else, and right now, it was where it wanted to be.

   Pallete sighed, rubbing your back. It felt nice for you to be so close, but he knew how douchey it would be to confess now, of all times. He just held you, pushing away all of his desires so he could comfort you.

   And you did the same thing.




I'm having major writer's block and i just can't function properly right now

the relationship i tried building with my parents is slowly falling apart again

i'll do my best to put out the rest of the requests i have, so please be patient >w<''

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