Swapfell (Blackberry) X DreamCatcher!Fem!Reader | Cinderella

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Requested by the same person on Q

I'm sorry I should have posted this earlier

It's longer than any other one-shot so it'll be in two parts. The second part will take another two days estimated to complete if I need to run errands again tomorrow like today, and it'll have a different song to go with it.

In this one-shot, a dream catcher doesn't know what they truly are until age sixteen. They protect hopes and dreams and are inhuman. They possess extreme and powerful magic. The role is passed down through families.

Another songfic

Yay for listening to the song on loop while writing to get the correct vibes in the one-shot

Enjoy! <3


When I was just a little girl

My momma used to tuck me into bed and she read me a story

   "Mama! Could you read Cinderella again?" Seven-year-old you asked your mum, tilting your head for cuteness points. She chuckled softly, taking your favourite fairy tale off the shelf. "Of course, my little princess."

It always was about a Princess in distress

And how a guy would save her and end up with the glory

   She started the story, and halfway through you asked, "But why would the step mother and step sisters do that?" Your mum sighed with a smile. "They were terrible people. Selfish, cruel, and evil." Your eyes widened at that. "But why are they evil?" She put a finger on your lips, shushing you. She continued the story.

I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I wanted to be
Then one day I realised the fairy tale life wasn't for me

   After the story ended, your mum tucked you in and kissed your forehead. "Sweet dreams, my little princess." She turned off the light and went to her own room. You lay there, staring at the ceiling. You then realised something. You didn't want your mum to call you 'princess' anymore. You weren't like the other royal girls.

   -Nine years later-

I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free

   You blew out the seventeen candles -sixteen for your age, with one to grow on- on your birthday cake. Your mum and little brother cheered. You curtsied, which gained more applause. All your parties were like this. At age ten, you finally got your mum to stop planning parties. You weren't even friends with half of the people on the guest list. All you really wanted were your mum and bro.

I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side

   The cake was cut so that you three all got an equal amount and still had enough leftovers. Your mum was a great cook. It was a month before the school year would start. You three had moved from (h/t) to Athlone, Ireland for your mum's new job. She was a neo-national nurse at the hospital. 

Don't want to depend on no-one else
I'd rather rescue myself

-One month later-

   You took a deep breath. You were standing at Underhigh's gates, trying to stay calm. As a dream catcher, you had to stay calm. Your mum had taught you about how to be one. You put a smile on your face and walked into the school. You had no idea where anything was, and there were students, mostly skeletons you noted, crowding the halls. You glanced down at the schedule in your hand. You navigated through the crowd to find your locker. 

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