(HALF-LEMON/LIME/ANGST) Nightmare x Reader - Extra Credit*

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*This is kinda a sequel to It's Alright

Normally I'd be evil and let you all stumble upon the angst at the end, but I'm feeling nice, so there's gonna be some angst at the end of this. I warn you now. It'll be kinda grotesque. I will put a warning just before it begins, in case you don't want to read it. If you are too young or are queasy, do not read it.

I also apologize to the person who requested this fic. I ran out of lemon juice and needed inspiration, so I simply used souls instead of penetration. Again, I apologize but I need to rest from the smut, especially since I have a lot of lemons to do as requests. I'm sorry!


   You shuffle into the classroom, slipping your phone into your pocket. Keeping your eyes on the ground, you go to the back of the room, settling in your seat and waiting for class to begin. It was your last day of "extra credit" for Mr. Nightmare's class, and you were nervous about what would happen after class today.

   Killer sat beside you, noticing your distress. You pulled out a book, trying to read it. You were unable to focus on the words in front of you, but you desperately tried to grasp what you were looking at. 

   Soon, class started, forcing you to put your book back in your bag and lay your head on your desk, blushing as Mr. Nightmare started talking about what he was paid to, the history of this planet. Sometimes you wished you could build a rocket ship and fly out of there.

   It seemed forever until the final bell rang. You sat there, not bothering to move as the other students bustled about, ecstatic to leave. Killer sends you a sympathetic look before gathering his stuff and leaving the room. 

   Even after everyone was out of the room, you didn't move. You could hear the sounds of your teacher's footsteps slowly approaching. 


   Ba-bump, Ba-bump

   Damn it... The sound of his velvety voice saying your name made your heart go crazy, hammering against your rib cage. You hated it. You absolutely hated how you felt butterflies when you heard him, hated how your cheeks flushed at the sight of him, hated how submissive you felt with him, hated how cornered you felt, like an animal. 

   He noticed that you didn't look up or reply, like you normally would. This worried him. All day, he noticed you acting uncharacteristically. It really worried him. You had grown on him, became his favorite student. He would never admit it in front of any one else, but he fell for you.

   He fell hard.

   Little did he know, you had fallen like he had, maybe even more so. But instead of bringing joy, it hurt you, and you hated it. No... Hate wasn't the right word. You despised what you were feeling. 

   But he didn't know this. Of course he didn't. You rarely ever voiced your thoughts. 

   He slowly wrapped his arms around your small form, as if he were trying to pull you out of your shell. You slowly leaned into him, even though you tried to fight the instincts. 

   But, I mean, how could you resist him?! He slowly tilted your face towards him, cautious that you may lash out somehow. When you didn't, his face neared yours, and your eyelids fluttered downwards as your mouth connected with his teeth.

   The chaste kiss ended quickly. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you up to a standing position. You sighed, relaxing as you leaned into his embrace. You felt cold teeth press against your neck and you shuddered at the feeling. It was unnatural, yet... familiar to you. 

   He dropped his arms to your thighs and pulled you up, setting you on the desk behind you. He kisses you again, feeling you press your lips against his teeth in return. His hands roam your sides, tracing shapes over your thighs. 

   He moves to pull out of the kiss but you rush to wrap your arms around his neck (err, spine?) and pull him back down to you. You shove your tongue in his mouth, moaning softly. He lets you do so, pulling you flush against him. After a minute, he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.

   You stare up at him with half-lidded eyes and a dazed smile. He puts a hand against your chest, right where your heart is, and pulls it away, bringing out a (s/c) (soul color) heart. You gape at it, knowing it was, well, you.

   Your soul, everything you are, was right in front of you. You reach out to touch it but Mr. Nightmare grips your wrist softly to prevent you. He reaches out with his other hand to stroke it gently. You mewl, your back arching from the sensation. It felt so... good.

   No... You shouldn't let him do this. 'Make him stop.' You try to ignore that little voice at the back of your mind, urging you to do something about this, make it all stop. 'This is wrong. Push him off.'

   You huff, grabbing the hand that was rubbing your soul. You noticed his soul was out too. It made you furious, that he was doing this, he was taking advantage over you. You shove him.

   He fell down, hitting the wall. He gapes up at you as you stand up and grab your bag. You shoot him a dirty look and start walking out of the classroom. "W-wait, (Y/n)! Where are you g-going?" He calls out, scrambling to stand. 

   You pause long enough to say, "Home." Then you leave. He watches you walk out of the classroom, heartbroken. He looks down dejectedly, forcing back sobs. Why did you leave? He didn't want you to leave...

   Dark clouds formed overhead. Good, the rain would help you calm down. You waited for the light to change so you could cross the road. It did, and you started across the rather empty road. The rain started pouring, soaking you in an instant. You smiled, tilting your head up to the sky-


You scream, taking a step back from the truck barreling towards you.


The truck slammed onto it's side, sliding on the slick ground. A few feet away lay you. It had ran straight into you, the driver having had one too many drinks and was trying to get home. The rain formed a veil, hiding you from view.

   Inside the school, Mr. Nightmare had heard the scream, and he stood, rushing outside to see what happened. "Shit..." If anything had happened to you...

   He paused at the entrance, immediately seeing the scene. His hands flew to his teeth, eyesockets wide. "No..."

   *The angsty gore begins here. Skip this section. Only read if you dare.*

   Blood pooled around you, the circle of red slowly expanding still. Your face was facing the concrete beneath you, but no doubt it was bloodied up and scratch. Scratches and blood covered your limbs. Your right elbow was skinned from you being blown away from the impact of the truck.

   Your left leg was barely hanging on by some skin, almost completely off. Nightmare could see guts and bone. He chocked back sobs, but it was no use. He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face and mixing with the pouring rain. 

   After a while, the police pulled up, along with an ambulance, no doubt they were called after someone had seen the crash. Nightmare felt like he couldn't move. His heart was heavy with sorrow.

   He slowly looked up to see the police moving you into the ambulance. Your face was smeared in blood. Scars littered your once soft skin. It was a sad sight.

*It should be safe now*

   A few months later, Nightmare walks along a path through a graveyard. He stops at one and lays down a single rose. A tear drips onto the ground.

                                                            (full name)

                                                             200X - 201X

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