Goth X Abused!Reader - Angel with a Shotgun

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Song fic

Sorry about the long hiatus

It got hectic here at home, and it's about to again because

1. we just got a new kitten she's such a sweetie oml

2. my bro is graduating and in a week we're gathering together here and celebrating his depart from high school just so he can go to college


I have no idea where I'm going with this.


  All seemed peaceful in the neighborhood. Birds chirping, flowers blooming. That is, until a glass bottle shattered in the largest house on the block. In that house, a women, in her drunken state, had thrown a now empty alcohol bottle at her one and only daughter. The daughter, with the name of (Y/n), took it with a cry of pain. Her throat was tight, and tears threatened to spill over. She took the force of the shards of glass, even though they made small cuts on her body. She had to take it. This happened everyday.

Get out your guns, battle's begun.

Are you a saint or sinner?

  Later, the girl carefully dabbed cream on her cuts and bandaged them up. On top of that, she had a bruise on her right cheek that she opted to cover with her bangs the following day. This girl, is you.

If love's a fight then I shall die

With my heart on a trigger.

  It was windy the next day, and you wore a sweater and scarf over your rather thin jeans and shirt. You started making your way to your prestigious high school, Undertale High. Best in the area.

They say before you start a war,

You better know what you're fighting for.

  Of course, you somewhat knew people there. There was the bully, PJ. The picked-on nerd, Fresh. And lots others. But your favorite was the young librarian there. He was caring, he was honest, he was hot. 


Well, baby, you are all that I adore.

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

  You giggled and made your way immediately to the library upon your arrival to school. You were always happy to see him, and even had a little crush on him. But there was one thing he, nor anyone in the school, didn't know. 

Your dear old mom abused you. Hence the emo hairstyle and scarf.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting 'til the war's won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

  "Oh, hello (Y/n)!"

Oh God, the voice of the god himself.

It was music to your ears.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I wanna live, not just survive tonight.

  He must have been carefully crafted in heaven and brought to Earth by God himself. Ahem, calm yourself. He had a somewhat puzzled look on his skeletal face as he took in the new hairstyle.

Sometimes to win, you've got to sin.

  "That's new. What's with the bangs?" He asked you, and you flinched slightly, searching in your head for an excuse.

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