Chapter 1

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I'm Danielle Paris Paul or just Dani I'm 17, gonna be 18 in 3 months. I love to sing and I make covers on YouTube my 2 older brothers Logan and Jake Paul live in LA and I live in ohio with my mom. Until my boyfriend of 3 months starts abusing me bad to where I come home with bruises all over my body. I don't tell my parents just because I'm scared until one day my mom sees everything and she tells me I have to move to LA and chose to live with either Jake or Logan. I chose Logan for 2 reasons 1. Jakes house is too full and 2. Logan has kong.
The next day I'm at school not expecting to leave the next day. After school I come home and I see all my stuff packed and my mom come up to me and says "Dani, I hate that you have to go but it's for your own safety Logan is driving here tonight he will be here early in the morning and you will go with him to LA this breaks my heart but it's for your own good."   "Mom I understand thank you for everything you've done for me I love you I am going to miss you so much I going to miss it out here but your right it's for my own safety." I said tearing up giving her a big hug.

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