Chapter 15 pt 2

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"Daniel?" I say starting to cry "yes princess what's wrong" he says wiping my tears "am I ruining your life" I say putting my head down "baby girl." He says picking up my head and looks me in the eyes and says "Danielle you could never ruin my life I love you for you you've made my life so much better" Daniel says and gives me a kiss. "Daniel!!!!!!!!" I screamed and squeezed his hand as hard as I could "what what's wrong" he says trying to calm me down "it hurts dani it hurts bad" i screamed " it's ok squeeze my hand as hard as you want I'm here for you I will always be here" Daniel said I started squeezing his hand as tight as I could I felt bad because I thought I was hurting him
*the hospital*
The people in the ambulance rushed me in Daniel tried following he could only so far behind him followed the boys and my brothers
They wanted to keep me in the hospital for a few days just because I lost so much blood the first 2 days everyone went home except Daniel he stayed in the hospital bed with me "Daniel go home with the boys I'm fine here alone plus you need to get proper sleep" I say "Danielle I'm not leaving your side ever I'm staying here right here next to you all night and day until we leave" he says pulling me close as I rested my head on his chest
The next day I woke up in Daniels arms I had never felt to safe then the nurse walks in and says "Danielle your able to go home today"
"Thank you" I say as she walks out "Daniel wake up" I say shaking him "what what's going on" he says waking up startled "I can go home today" i say he immediately hugs me after singing papers Daniel and I get in car and drive off " Daniel can I stay with you tonight rather than Logan or Jake because they will baby me and I don't want that I can't deal with that right now?" I ask grabbing his hand "of course but do you want to stop by there to get clothes" he says kissing my hand "yea" I said kissing his hand

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