Chapter 13

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After 30 minutes of crying Daniel and I find a bench and pulls out his phone and turns it off so we could be alone without interruption. He looks at me and says "are you feeling better now?" "Yes thank you Daniel for being here it means so much to me and I'm kinda of glad we're alone I wanted to talk to you about something" I said turning and looking at him "I wanted to talk to you too but you go first." He said turning to look at me "ok well ever since that day Layla and I were in the park playing our guitars and you and the rest of the boys heard us and started clapping i couldn't keep my eyes off of you then I got that text and ran off I felt so bad for not saying anything basically what I'm trying to say is that I like you Daniel I like you a lot." "If you don't feel the same way I understand I just hope we can stay friends" I say "omg Danielle I didn't know you felt that way I feel the same that's what I wanted to talk to you about I like you Danielle Paris paul I like you a lot. Will you be my girlfriend?" He said "oh my god Daniel yes I'm so happy you feel the same way yes yes yes I will be your girlfriend" I say hugging him "let's make it official" he says pulling out his phone and turning it on he immediately notices he has over a hundred messages from the group asking where we are he ignores them and goes to instagram and takes a picture he captions it saying "this is @_savannahphillipssss_(always plug right my actual main insta I have 3 total) my new girlfriend she means the world to me if anyone gives her hate or says mean things to her you will be unfollowed reported and blocked she's the live of my life Ily❤️❤️"  he shows me the caption I read it and posts it and I said "awe Daniel that's so sweet thank you i love you to" I said giving him a kiss
"Do you want to head back now they're all wondering where we are" he asks giving me the tightest hug "yea I think that's best" I said as Daniel helps me up "do you want a piggy back ride back to jakes?" He asks turning around "sure" i say laughing and jumping on his back

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