Chapter 14

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When we leave the park I start I sing my favorite song from the Why don't we boys "perfect" Daniel looks at me and says "hey that's our song" I look at him give him a kiss on his cheek and say "I know it's my favorite" and continue singing all the way back to jakes we get half way back and Daniels phone starts blowing up by the group texting "we saw your post congratulations but get back here now we've been worried sick"  Daniel texts back "were on our way don't worry we'll be there soon" "Daniel put me down I want to walk" I said jumping down he puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head as I hold his hand with one hand and put my arm around his waist as he says "I love you Danielle Paris Paul thank you for being my girlfriend I couldn't ask for anyone better" "awe I love you too Daniel James seavey your more than I could have asked for your sweet kind loving caring and I know you would never hurt me and I thank you for that" I said resting my head in his chest
As soon as Daniel and I walk through the door at jakes everyone runs up to me pushing Daniel to the floor once they let go I immediately go for Daniel and ask him "Daniel are you ok" I asked him laughing and holding my hand out to help him up " yea I'm fine" he says laughing pulling me down with him hugging me as I laughed "come on love birds get up we are leaving" Logan says helping us up "ok ok" I said getting up giving Jake a hug Jake looks at me and says "be careful stay safe and Daniel you hurt my little sister I will hurt you" "don't worry Jake he won't" I say "don't worry Jake I won't" he said as we walk out the door.

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