Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
*3 months later*
Everyone was asleep I was curled into a ball all night my stomach hurt so bad I woke up in the middle of the night screaming Daniel immediately sat up and asked "babe what's wrong are you ok" "ahhhhhhh Daniel we need to go to the hospital now please" I screamed as all the boys ran into the room Daniel then picked me up and carried me to the car with the boys following Daniel and I took one car and the others took another Daniel laid me down in the back as I screamed and cried we got to the hospital he rushed me inside as I cried into his chest the nurses rushed me to a room as the boys ran in the hospital they all sat in the lobby for hours
Daniels POV
I woke up in the middle of the night to Danielle screaming I immediately sat up and asked her "babe what's wrong are you ok" "ughhhh Daniel we need to go to the hospital now please" she screamed and cried as the boys came running in I immediately picked her and rushed her downstairs and in the car the boys took a separate car I rushed her to hospital I rushed her inside and the nurses took her to a room the boys  and I have been waiting for hours I have my head in my hands crying I hope my babies are ok the doctor comes out and we all stood up and he said "she's going to be ok but she lost the other baby and she's resting right now only one person can see her right now and I'm guessing that person will be Daniel.?" "Yes" I said following him to the room she was in I had tears rolling down my face I walked in and saw her sleeping she looked miserable I sat down next to her and held her hand then she woke up
Danielle's POV
"Daniel omg you're here" I cried hugging him "Daniel I lost the baby" I cried into his shoulder "I know princess i know it's ok I'm here for you" he said hugging me and rubbing my back "Dani I want to go home to Logans please I just want to go home" I cried "ok ok we'll leave as soon as the doctor says it ok to leave and I'll take you to Logans" he said then the doctor came in and said that I could go home and we left
*at Logans*
We got to Logans and I went straight for my room Daniel following me I slammed the door before he could come in and locked it stood up against the door and slid down the door sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest and screamed and cried "why why me" Daniel tried coming in but he couldn't "Danielle if you need to talk or if you want a hug I'll be on the couch" I heard him say through the door I got up and went to my bed and laid down and fell asleep I woke up the next morning early about 5 I went to see if Logan was still here but he wasn't but Daniel was on the couch asleep sitting up  he looked so cute I went over and laid down and rested my head on his leg as he woke up I didn't say anything neither did he he just kissed my head and played with my hair

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