Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*the next morning*

I woke up alone I got scared and cried not realizing that Daniel was in the shower I curled up in a ball and cried then Daniel came out I picked my head up I saw him and jumped out of bed and ran to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly and cried he wrapped his arms around my neck and and kissed my head and asked me "baby girl why are you crying?" " I thought you were gone I didn't know where you were I got scared" I said crying into his chest "awe princess don't worry im always going to be here for you I didn't want to wake you up but I had to take a shower now come on lets go eat and go to logans to get clothes and we can go shopping" he said " your right im sorry I just got scared but didn't we go shopping last week" I said letting go and looking up at him "yes but I want to buy you whatever you want after all that's happened and im not taking no for an answer" he said "ok ok fine but let me get dressed and we can go eat and go to logans" I said getting my clothes and changing

*at logans*

We got to logans from outside the door I could hear Layla and ayla screaming to logan dropping plates we walked in and I yelled " logan alexander paul you better stop breaking those plates right now" he immediately stopped then ayla and Layla ran up to me a hugged me for a very long time " ayla Layla I cant breath get off me" I said laughing and pushing them off me we all laughed " ok I just came to change and leave im hungry and want food so ill be right back" I said walking to my room and grabbing daniels arm I closed my door and picked out an outfit did my hair in a messy bun and simple makeup and we left we went to Panera and ate then went to the grove we came close to a prom dress shop he stopped me and looked at me grabbed my hand and went inside and said "pick out any dress you want It doesn't matter the price I will pay" "um Daniel" I said stopping him "yea babe" " daniel this place is to expensive and why would I need a prom or even a fancy dress?" I said " I don't care I want to take you on the best date in your entire life tonight" "omg babe ok fine" we tried on a lot of dresses for hours until we chose one


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