Chapter 5

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"Layla wanna make a cover with me" I asked "of course it's been forever" she said
Once we made a cover we hear a knock on my door it was Logan he said " Danielle,Layla my friends are gonna be here soon help me silly string them"    "Okkkkkk" we say jumping up excitingly
*10 minutes later*
We hear the door bell ring "come in maaa boiiiiisss" Logan yells they come in Logan and Layla run and I just freeze once I saw Daniel.
By this point everyone is fighting. Until I scream at Logan asking him if I could talk to him.
Logan and I go to my room I ask him " Logan how do you know them I just met those boys at the park with Layla"   " those are the why don't we boys Danielle" he said
I was confused at first then Logan played one of their songs and I was just in awwwe of them.
We leave my room and I ask everyone do you wanna go to the movies they all yell "yesssss" we go to the movie and Logan and the boys decide to watch a scary movie. We get our tickets we get in the theater I was going to sit next to Layla but she told me to sit next to Daniel at first I was confused and then I realized why

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