Chapter 15

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The next few days I've been getting texts from my ex saying "hey baby I see you and your looking as beautiful as ever come back to me or I will hurt you worse than I ever have before for what you've done"
"Leave me alone please I'm not your baby anymore I have a boyfriend that cares and calls me princess and baby girl." I reply i go home to being alone i go to the kitchen and stare at the knife block I walk over and grab the biggest knife I can find I head to my bathroom I look at myself in the mirror and cry as I hear the door open and hear Daniel the boys Logan and Jake I hold the knife to my arm and start cutting as I'm screaming and crying louder than I ever have before immediately I hear everyone running slamming open my door Daniel immediately takes the knife out of my hand hands it to Logan and grabs a towel and puts pressure on the cuts to try to stop the bleeding "give that back now!!!!!" I yell pulling away from Daniel "I can't deal with this anymore I just want to die" I say storming out "Danielle what are you talking about why do you want to die and deal with what" Daniel asks grabbing my arm I yank my arm away from Daniel and grab my phone and throw it at him and say "here look" as I fall to the ground and cry Jake runs to me and holds me "Danielle you should have come to us first instead trust me you don't want to die what would we be without you what would Daniel be without you" Jake said I look at Jake and look at Daniel I immediately jump up and run over to him and wrap my arms around his neck forgetting I have blood running out of my arm as soon as I wrapped my arms around his neck everything went black and next thing I know is I'm in the back of an ambulance with a wrap on my arm and Daniel sitting next to me hold my hand with his head in his free hand crying and a guy sitting on the other side of me writing thing on a paper I tightly squeezed Daniels hand "Dani where am I what happened?" I asked him as i tightly held his hand as he looked up at  me and hugged me and kissed the top of my head "Danielle you blacked out after cutting yourself" he said " where are the boys and my brothers" I asked concerned " they are right behind us

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