Chapter 38

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Chapter 38
After we took those pictures we had to take more I look at Zach and say "this is a swimsuit shoot so behave" I smirked "do I have to behave" he asked sarcastically "yes Zach or else I'll make you wait in the car until I'm done and I know you don't want that" I said walking into the dressing room "ugh fine I'll behave only because I'm here to support you" he said I walk out of the dressing room in one of the bathing suits and of course Zach immediately blushed and bites his lip "Zach" I said "what you look good you look cinder "hella" fine" he said "oh I see using Jonahs pickup lines" I said walking to the area we had to take pictures I could feel Zach staring it made me blush once we were done we left "Zach I'm proud of you you held back but you would stop staring" I said "well your just to dang beautiful how couldn't keep their eyes off you" he said "awe thanks come on let's go to Logans I want to steal kong" I said giving him a kiss and laughing "ok" he said laughing we went to Logan and we took Kong and left without him knowing we went back to the boys house they all ran to kong "where's Logan" they asked "he doesn't know we have kong and he's at home"I said so we started snapping him then he got mad and face timed me "Heyy Logan" I said "why do you have kong" he asked "I stole him and the boys kind of miss you so you better come over" I said he immediately ended the call and came over and we all hung out like old times then Jake and team 10 came over we basically had a big party everything felt like it was back to normal until someone knocks on the door I went to open the door I saw someone there who I have a very bad history with "nooo get out of here now leave your welcome here" I yelled I slammed the door and fell to the ground and everyone came running Zach immediately came to me as I was crying on the floor as Jonah opens the door "who are you" he asked "I'm here for Danielle" the person said "axel get out of here you know you're not allowed to be around Danielle" Logan said "axel? Who's axel?" Zach asked me "axel is a crazed ex boyfriend who knows he's not supposed to be around me or he will be arrested" I said "I don't care anymore all I want is you" he said barging in and grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the house "no let go of her now" I heard Zach screaming trying to grab hold of me "Zach help me please Logan Jake" I yelled as Chance and Anthony run up behind him locking his head and Zach quickly grabs me out of his grab and takes me inside and locks me in his room with him and comforts me "Zach I'm so sorry this happened we were having such a good time everything was going back to normal then he shows up I'm so sorry I've ruined your life maybe it is time for me to move back to ohio" i said as my voice trembled "no your not going back to ohio you made the right choice on moving out here don't worry we'll protect you" he said kissing my forehead as I fell asleep on him as he held me all night

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