Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
While Zach and I were talking Logan Jake and team 10 came in along with the wdw boys and saw zach and I cuddling they were shocked we sat up and Jake looked kind of mad "Jake calm down your steaming" I said as Zach got up and said "can we talk" walking out of the room and everyone following him I could hear them talk he told them that we were dating and all they were all hesitant about it then they were happy about except for one person daniel he yelled at Zach and stormed off then everyone came back in "congratulations two of you but we are going to go talk to Daniel we'll be back" Jonah,jack,and Corbyn said walking in and back out following Daniel
*2 hours later*
We've all been talking for two hours then the wdw boys come back in and I look at Daniel and then Zach Daniel had a face on like he needed to talk to one of us but to Zach I look at Zach he kisses my head and says "it's ok I'll be right back" and walks out then the rest of the boys team 10 Jake Logan and I talked for a while then Zach and Daniel walk back in it was silent for a while then the nurse walks back in and breaks the silence by saying "so since your awake and obviously feeling well the doctors have agreed you are free to go home but we do want you to take things slow no dangerous activities" she said I immediately looked at Logan "for how long do I need to take things easy" I asked "at least a month I looked back at Logan "no merch gun and no plate breaking for a month" I said he pouted we all laughed and left we were in the car I rested my head on Zachs shoulder the ride home he looks at me and asks "do you want me to stay with you" "awe Zach you don't have too you but if you want to you can and protect me from Logan" I said laughing and blushing we all laughed "no I want to stay and I'll protect you from Logan" he said laughing and we went back to Logans "here let me carry you" Zach said as I got out of the car "Zach I can walk" I said "I don't care I'm going to carry you anyway" he said picking me up I squealed and he carried me inside and to my room we talked for hours and stayed up all night talking and cuddled

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