Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
"Your brothers will be as happy as we are to have a little Seavey running around" jack said I looked up and see 4 boys just standing there in shock "how long were you standing there for how much did you hear" I asked them slightly letting go of Daniels grasp "pretty much all of it" Zach said "were happy for I want a little Seavey running around I mean I love this Seavey said this Seavey should be better" jack said "well then" Daniel said "but please don't bring this up any of it to Logan or Jake I don't know their reaction if they'll be happy at mad night hurt Daniel or what so please" I said looking at Daniel then back at the boys "hurt Daniel""hurt me" they all said scared " they might punch you out of anger but I'll make sure that won't happen" I said calmly "I only think it's best to know for sure is to go to the doctors" Daniel said getting and helping me up "yea" I said getting up and walking down to the car
*2 hours later*
We got to the doctors office and wait for 10 minutes then they called my name they had me pee in a cup which was disgusting the doctor left and Daniel and I talked for 10 minutes then the doctor came back and said "Danielle you are pregnant you are 3 weeks in" "ok thank you" I said looking at Daniel then the doctor Daniel looks at me and says " Danielle do you want this the decision is up to I will be here and support you in any decision you choose" "Daniel I want this and I know you will that's why I Love you we just need to figure out a way to tell my brothers" I said getting up and walking out we got in the car and drove back home within 5 minutes of driving I fell asleep
*3 hours later*
We got home I was half asleep half awake Daniel carried me inside bridal style I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head in chest as soon as we walked through the door I heard running it scared me and I jumped the boys said sorry Daniel said "well she's 3 weeks in" they all yelled "omg congratulations" "shut up I have a headache" I yelled back still in Daniels arms "were going to be upstairs watching movies so don't bug us" Daniel said walking away we laid down and watched movies all day and night long "can we go to Logan and jakes tomorrow to tell them I want them to know" I asked " yea of course" Daniel said and we fell asleep
*the next morning*
I woke to Daniel on his phone I turned around and laid my head on his leg and looked up at him and said "good morning Dani blue eyes" "good morning princess" he said laughing and kissed me I kissed back and got up to get ready I put on some sweat pants and one of Daniels oversized sweaters and we left I called Logan and told him to wait outside that we were picking him up not telling him why we picked him up and went to jakes we got out of the car and walked in "Jake tessa Erika Chance Anthony" I yelled they all ran down stairs "yea what's up what's wrong" they all said " I need all of you to go sit on the couch please and don't move" I said as Daniel and I walked to the couch and they all sat down

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