Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
The next day I wake up late afternoon I must have been so exhausted about what happened Zach was still laying down next to me "well good morning beautiful" he said and laughs "good morning what's so funny" I asked him giving him a kiss on the cheek "do you know what time it is" he asked me "no" I said confused "it's 2pm babe you've been asleep basically all day but I understand you're exhausted about what happened so I wanted to do something for you there's an outfit in the closet that you should totally wear tonight we are going to go eat all of us" he said "it's 2 pm omg I've been asleep for so long but ok" I said
*4 pm*
I decided to get ready so I put on the dress Zach had for me and did my hair and make up and we all went to a fancy restaurant after we ate we were talking until stopped everyone then the rest of the boys walked Daniel with his guitar I was so confused Zach took hand as we stood up then he got down on one knee I started crying "Danielle you mean the world to and I never want to lose you so............... will you marry me?💍" he said "omg Zach YESS I said he put the ring on my finger and stood up he picked me up kissed me and spun me around and we left Zach and I went to a hotel he reserved for us we went up to the room there were candles lit and rose petals everywhere he shut the door he pushed me against the door I smiled "Danielle I love you like you have no idea" he said I grabbed his collar and kissed him "I love you too zach" then we moved to the bed we started stripping down (enough said)
*the next morning*
We went and ate at a small cafe then went back to the hotel and packed and went back home rt he boys were there I ran up to and hugged them "thank you for helping Zach with this it was perfect" I said they all laughed except Daniel "Daniel can we talk for a second please outside" I asked him "yea sure" he said as we walked outside as Zach watched us "what's wrong" I asked him he started yelling "Danielle I don't want you to marry him I still love you and I don't want to let you go" he yelled "Daniel you can't you hurt me twice before how many times has Zach hurt me none you didn't care Daniel you never did" I screamed we went on and on fighting until Zach finally came out and stopped us I screamed threw my hands in the air and stormed inside I ran to Zachs room and laid down I started dozing off  and I fell asleep that dream of me getting raped came back I started yelling then Zach came in and calmed me down we went back to sleep

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