Chapter 16 part 3

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I went to my bathroom and pulled out the knife I hid I cut twice then I heard all the boys come in drunk and Logan and Jake vlogging they barge in my bathroom while Daniel is trying to stop them they wouldn't once they opened my bathroom door they just stopped it got dead quiet Daniel moves them out of the way and sees my arm and starts to cry and yells "Danielle not again why" "Dani you don't understand" I yelled "Danielle understand what" he yelled back "he slapped my face hard kno-" I started to yell then blacked out the ambulance was already on their way Daniel caught me
*at the hospital*
"Jack I'm hungry go get me food" Daniel said "Daniel do it yourself I'm tired I can't as soon as Danielle wakes up" he says laying on the couch in the room "where am I what happened" I said slowly waking up "Danielle your awake I need to text Daniel" jack said running up to me giving me a hug "dang it my phone died and I don't have a charger and your phone was left at logans
*1 hour of talking*
I could tell that jack was still half drunk because of the way he looked at me he hugged me in the middle of the hug the boys walked in and jack kissed me  i yelled and pushed him off and said "what the heck is wrong with you I'm dating Daniel I love him and him only" " I'm sorry i was caught up in the moment" jack said "what there was never a moment I love you jack but as a friend and nothing more" i said the boys just stood there in silence "jack you totally just ruined our friendship" Daniel said running up to him and punching him "Dani please please just stop please it meant nothing" I start yelling and crying and trying to get out of bed "ok ok anything for you just please stay in bed" he says laying me back
Down and giving me a kiss "and jack" he said turning to jack "yea?" He said getting off the floor "GET OUT AND DONT COME BACK" he yelled as jack ran out  "Danielle before you blacked out you said he hit you knocking you down or something who's he and when" he asked me giving me a hug and holding my hand I explained to him what happened with my ex and he said "omg Danielle wherever I go I'm taking you (pun intended 😉) your never leaving my side" he said giving me a hug and getting in bed to lay down with me and cuddle I sleep on his chest all day until the doctor came in to release me I signed papers and left we went back to their house once we got there I said to Daniel "I'm so tired can we go to sleep please" "yea absolutely  come on" he says putting his arm as I put my arm around his waist and walk up to his room  jack was in there we walked right back out and in the guest room downstairs and cuddled all night I felt safer with him than anyone else he care the most and I love him for that

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