Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

" thank you Daniel for not leaving and I promise I wont leave or try to leave again I love you and only you" I said scooting over so Daniel and I could cuddle for a while "Danielle I love you to and only you and I wont scare you like that again I promise" he said laying down hugging me as I rested my head into his chest "Daniel" I said looking up at him " yes princess?" he said kissing the top of my head "whats gonna happen to my ex and I want to talk to my brothers please" I said "im not sure we will try to get him caught if you want we can set a trap only if you want to its up to you and ill text jake and logan to come down here that you want to talk to them" he said pulling out his phone "ok thank you" I said laying my head back down on his chest

*20 minutes later*

Logan and jake walked in the room as I was asleep and Daniel was playing with my hair as soon as they walked through I heard them and woke up I looked at them and cried they ran up to me and gave me a hug and asked "why didn't you tell us he was still here he could have been in jail by now" "I don't know I figured he wouldn't come near me because of you guys he scared of you im sorry" I said crying "its ok sis but we will figure out where he is and why he continues to hurt you" logan said "wait I have an idea" I said wiping my tears happily and tuning to Daniel he looks at me and laughs "what is it" "I can text him saying I want to go back to ohio with him that I hate it here and ill say you cheated on me to make it more realistic" I said looking at everyone " omg Danielle that's the perfect idea you're a genius" Daniel said " why thank you" I said sassily he laughed and gave me a hug and kiss and I kissed back " logan have you told mom or dad about any of this" he looked at me and said "no" then looked at jake "have you" "no I didn't know if you wanted them to know so I didn't say anything" he said " thank you I don't want them to know just yet now leave I want to go back to sleep" I said laying back down with Daniel "ok fine" they said leaving I laid back down and Daniel and I started talking for a while until I fell asleep with him playing with my hair again

*3 hours later*

The nurse walked in and said " Danielle your ready to go home you just need to sign some release papers and you can go home" " ok thank you" I said getting up I signed paper and left we got in the car Daniel took my hand and asked "do you want to go back to logans, jakes, or my house" " I want to go with you I don't want them babying me like I know they will especially Ayla and Layla" I said "ok my place it is" he said driving off we reached his house and got out of the car and walked through the door everyone ran up to me and gave me a hug and asked if I was ok I said " yes im fine im just tired and in pain" Daniel took my hand and we went upstairs and watched movies " Daniel" I said looking at him " yes baby girl" he said getting up "can we go to logans so I can get clothes" I said getting up as well "do you want to do it in the morning you can wear one of my shirts to bed" he said getting one of his oversized shirts out of his closet I changed and we layed back down cuddling until we fell asleep.

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