Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
*1week later*
I haven't eaten in a week I've been so depressed and not really talking and feeling nauseous the boys Daniel Logan and Jake were getting worried so Logan invited everyone over to his house to hang out we all sat around in silence until Jake breaks the silence "Danielle how've you been we haven't talked in a while" he asked me looking at me Daniel had his arm around me I was resting my head on his shoulder I got up and started walking to my room trying not to be in conversation when I collapsed on the floor I fainted
Daniels POV
I was worried about Danielle she hadn't been eating or really talking to anyone for a week and I'm very worried and so is everyone else so Logan invited all of us over to hang out and help we were sitting around Danielle was resting her head on my shoulder as I had my arm around her we sat in silence until Jake asked "so Danielle how've you been we really haven't talked much" she stood up and started walking to her room trying to stay out of conversation when
She collapsed on the floor I ran to her her heart was bearly beating i held her trying to keep her heart beating "call 911 now hurry" I yelled everyone pulled out their phones and started calling within 5 minutes we hear sirens they rushed her to the hospital I was in the back of the truck with her as everyone else followed in their cars we reached the hospital they rushed her in it came to a point to where I couldn't cross I waited in the waiting room for hours with everyone else then the doctor comes out "she's ok she passed out has she eaten at all since last time you were here?" He asked "no she hasn't eaten she speaks very little and she only lets me close to her" I said "ok I think it's best you be there when she wakes up" he says taking me to her room I waited in her room for her to wake up
*2 days later*
Danielle POV
Last thing I remember is Jake trying to talk to me and I walked off and now I'm in a hospital room with Daniel sleeping at my side I shook him waking him up "Danielle your awake" he said giving me hug "Daniel I'm sorry I've been so depressed and not eating im just sad I'm so sorry I promise it won't happen again" I said crying "oh Danielle it's ok just know I'm here to talk and your brothers are and Jonah Jack Zach and corbyn are here and they are here in the waiting room" he said "I want o see them and apologize" I said looking at him "ok I'll go get them" he said kissing my head as he walks out I sit up and Daniel walks in with everyone I apologized to everyone and they all said "Danielle there's nothing to be apologizing for just don't let it happen again please you had us all so worried" jack said as Daniel held my hand

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