Chapter 32

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Chapter 32
It's been weeks Daniel has been blowing up my phone saying "please I messed up I'm sorry I love you please come back so we can talk" I finally answered "fine just talking" "thank you so much see you in 10" he replied "yea" I texted
*10 minutes later*
I knocked on the door Zach answered "Oh hi Zach" I said awkwardly since last time we spoke I kissed him "oh hey Danielle" he said letting me in I walked up to Daniels room and walked in "Danielle your here" he said getting out of bed walking over to me he went in for a hug I stopped him and looked at his arm "Daniel stop what's this" I said grabbing his arm and holding it up "Danielle I feel terrible I never wanted to let you go I got so depressed and just wanted to die" he said falling to the ground crying " Daniel I'm willing to give you a second chance but this is your last chance if it happens again it's over for good and I will go back to ohio for good" I said holding him "Danielle are you sure about this" he said looking at me "yes im sure I've never stopped loving you Daniel" I said kissing him "omg I love you too Danielle come on let's go for a drive" he said getting up and helping me up "where are we going" I asked as we walked to the car "you'll see" he said driving off we drove to the top of the hill and sat up there and talked then we went back I stayed over at his house
*3 months later*
I get a call from Daniel saying he's back from tour "I'll be over soon to see you to cuddle" I said he laughed and said ok I got in the car and drove to his house I walked in and walked to Daniels room I opened the door and saw Daniel sleeping but he wasn't alone there was a girl in his bed he had his arms around her "ahhhhhhh Daniel what is wrong with you" I screamed everyone ran to me and asked "what what happened" "get out of my way I'm done with this I never should have given him a second chance that was the worst a mistake I've ever made I'm going back to ohio bye" I yelled running out of the house I ran to Logans and barged in he had left over rope from the panel he roped up I grabbed it and tied it

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