Chapter 39

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Chapter 39
The next day
I woke up and Zach wasn't next to me so I went down stairs to see if he was there no one was in the house I immediately called them they didn't answer I got so worried so I went upstairs and waited in Zachs room till back when I heard the door open I ran downstairs to see if it was them but it wasn't them it was my ex axel he stood infront of me and stared and pulled out a gun i ran upstairs and called the cops he followed me and all of a sudden things went black
10 minutes later i realized I'm in a hospital room with Zach crying next to me I shook him his eyes were blood shot red he immediately hugged me "Zach why am I here what happened"  I asked him crying "your stupid crazed ex axel tried killing you he's going to prison so he won't bother you" he said "Zach im so sorry I dragged you into my hell of a life" I said "no don't be sorry I'm glad you dragged me into it it means I get to protect you" he said as Tessa walked in "Tessa" I said she ran to me a gave me a hug "where's Logan and Jake" I asked "there in the waiting room would you like me to get them for you" she asked" yes please" I said as she walked back out to get Logan and Jake "omg Danielle your ok" they said running in we sat there and talked as more and more people came in then nurses came in checking vitals and machines etc they said I had to stay over night and Zach stayed with me we talked all night till I fell asleep we talked about visiting his family in Texas we both agreed it would be a great idea so the week after we left for Texas and visited his family


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