Chapter 22

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I got the dress and we left the grove Daniel took me back to Logans and said "Go get some comfortable clothes for tonight we won't be going back to my house or here tonight" "umm oh but why where are we going" I asked him "we going to a private ar...

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I got the dress and we left the grove Daniel took me back to Logans and said "Go get some comfortable clothes for tonight we won't be going back to my house or here tonight" "umm oh but why where are we going" I asked him "we going to a private area that I rented out just for us no one knows except the guys" he said " awe Dani your so sweet I love you" I said giving him a kiss and going upstairs I got clothes and left we went out to eat and we drove to the secret location we got there and got out of the car he covered my eyes and walked me over to a secret place and uncovered my eyes I saw the most beautiful little tent with lit candles and streamed lights

"Omg Daniel James Seavey this is beautiful" I said covering my mouth crying "I knew you would like it it's just the two of us tonight no one else around for miles" he said laughing I quickly ran up to him jumped up and wrapped my arms around his n...

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"Omg Daniel James Seavey this is beautiful" I said covering my mouth crying "I knew you would like it it's just the two of us tonight no one else around for miles" he said laughing I quickly ran up to him jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and stared into his eyes and cried "awe baby girl what's wrong" he asked wrapping his arms around my hips I didn't say anything but kissed him and hugged him and whispered in his ear "I love you don't ever let go I want to be able to feel this moment anytime I'm feeling down I want to feel like your always there" he hugged me tighter and whispered in my ear "don't worry I won't ever let go I'm right her now tomorrow next week next month next year till I die I promise I love you too" after talking for hours we went to sleep
I screamed i quickly sat up and cried Daniel immediately sat up and held me and rocked me back and forth like a baby and said "it's ok it was just a dream I'm here it's ok shhhh there's  no one else here but us" he comforted me until we fell back to sleep I slept the rest of the night I felt safe with him
*the next morning*
I woke feeling sick to my stomach I ran out of the tent and threw up Daniel quickly ran behind me holding my hair and rubbing my back after I threw up I looked at him and said "I'm sorry you had to see that I just feel so sick right now I don't know why" he looked at me and said "it's ok I think we should leave if your not feeling good" "your right we should" I said getting up giving him a hug  we packed everything up and put everything in the car. We got it the car he held my hand and asked me "why do you think your so sick right now do think it's because of the other night" "omg Daniel idk I mean it was just 2 nights ago but i mean a few weeks before that it could have been should I take a test" I asked concerned "yes we'll stop at the store to get one and go home" he said  we got to the store bought the test and went to his house we snuck upstairs since it was so early in the morning we didn't want to wake anyone we went straight to his room I went in the bathroom and took the test and waited 2 pink lines appeared I opened the door and fell to my knees Daniel ran to me catching me I handed him the test "Danielle I'm happy but are you this is all up to you" he said holding as I cried I didn't know weather to be happy or scared or both I knew I was happy because Daniel was there to support me but what would my brothers think I looked at him and said "of course I'm happy but what about the boys my brothers what would they think I don't want them to be disappointed in me because I just turned 18" I said 

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