Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
We arrived thin Texas his mom and sister picked us up from the airport as soon as Reese saw me she immediately ran up to me it's was the best thing it made me forget about everything that happened we left the airport and went to his house his dad his brother and some guy was there that I didn't know until he turned around I ran upstairs immediately with Zach following I closed the door to his rom and cried in a corner Zach came in "Danielle what happened" he asked me "how do you know that guy" I asked him "who" he asked me "that guy downstairs" I said "that's my 3rd cousin I think" he said " Zach this is not good" I said hugging him "what do you mean" he asked me hugging back "I have a bad history with him he done things to me that I can't explain" I explained "don't worry he knows not to mess with anyone I'm in a relationship with he's been scared of me ever since we were children" he said "Zach are you sure" I asked looking at him "absolutely" he said "ok come on let's go back" I said wiping away my tears and walking down stairs we all sat around talking for a while then we went to sleep we were exhausted the next morning I woke up Zach wasn't there I went downstairs he still wasn't there nobody was I went to look If that guy was here he was I immediately ran and locked myself in Zachs room and called him as soon a I called Zach he came in the room mad at something he grabbed me and threw me on the bed I started begging him to please stop Zach heard everything the guy started raping me I was in so much pain already he hurt me more Zach came home in the middle he pulled him off of me I immediately went under the covers hiding my self from him I heard hitting and beating I was so scared Zachs parents came in his dad broke it up his mom took me to her room and comforted me all I could do was cry  Zach came in I ran to him "I'm so sorry babe I'm so sorry I never should have left I figured he new not to mess with you it's all my fault" he said "no Zach it's ok please don't be sorry" I said Zachs dad came in "don't worry he's leaving he won't be back" he said i knew I could trust him "thank you" I said back to him as Zach and I walked back to his room I looked at the bed it was all messed up I got chills down my back like it was happening again "Zach I'll take the couch tonight I can't be in the same bed as what just happened I will haunt me I can't" I said "don't worry I'll have Reese or Ryan sleep in here and we can take their room" he said "no Zach it's ok" I said "no they won't mind they love sleeping in my room anyways" he said as we walked to Reese's room and asked her if she would stay in Zachs room so we could stay in her room she said "yea" as she walked to Zachs room then we went to sleep

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