Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
It's been a about a month since I lost the baby I'm still sad about it and haven't been eating then one night Daniel and I were sleeping and cuddling in my bed when I felt a bad pain in my stomach I didn't think of it really I just thought I had a stomach ache when it started getting worse "Daniel Daniel please wake up" I said shaking him with one arm and holding my stomach with the other "babe what's wrong do you want to go to the hospital" he asked me picking me up i nodded my head as he took me to the car as we drove to the hospital I asked Daniel to ask Jake and Logan to meet us there he did we reached the hospital and they rushed me in later Logan and Jake rushed in after the doctors took some tests I was resting in a room with Daniel Jake and Logan sitting around me I woke up and they all gave me a hug and then the doctor walks in with a concerned face on and looks at us all and says "Danielle we have some bad news for you" I grabbed Daniels hand and look at him then at Logan and Jake then back at the doctor and say "what happened" I said as Daniel squeezed my hand "you have a tumor in your stomach we want you to be on bed rest for a while but we want to keep you here for the rest of the week" the doctor said I could tell Daniel and my brothers were devastated we all started crying as the doctor said sorry and walked out the entire week Jake and logan left and Daniel stayed as the rest of wdw visited and so did aspen and Daniels parents and siblings visited me and so did Zachs Reese was so sad she just cried in my arms she didn't want to leave me I told her "Reese it's ok I'm going to be ok you need to go home and get rest" she nodded and walked out by the end of the week the doctor comes in and says we can leave we went home and Daniel was so worried he never left my side
*3 months later*
I took a shower and when I got out
Daniel was in the corner of my room rocking back and forth crying I ran to him and asked him "babe what's wrong Dani" he leaned into my chest and cried " Danielle I can't lose you I love and care for you too much if you go I will too just to be with you I can't lose you your my baby girl my princess my queen I love you too much" he said "well Daniel actually last night I got a call from the doctor saying it's gone so you don't have to worry about loosing me and I love you to your my baby boy my everything my prince my king and I'm not leaving anytime soon I promise you" I said kissing him "omg Danielle why didn't you tell me I love you so much" he said kissing back "you were asleep" I said laughing

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