Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
They all sat on the couch I immediately stood in front of Daniel "Danielle what's going on" Logan asked "well when Daniel and I went camping the other day I woke up early morning and threw up feeling sick we talk about it and thought about the last few weeks and I took a pregnancy test to check it was positive so we decided to go to the doctors to get an accurate test and I'm 3 weeks in" I said as soon as I finished speaking I saw Logan and Jake getting up mad "I swear to god if you touch Daniel I will never speak to you again this is our decision to keep it and we are going to fly out to Ohio to tell mom and dad if you ever think or touch my boyfriend I swear I will hurt you" I said getting mad and pushing Daniel back slightly "ok ok fine but be careful in ohio when are you leaving?" Jake said "tomorrow we'll be fine we're flying out on the jet telling mom and dad then probably staying over night then leaving I can't really fly often right now because of the baby" I said "ok well can we leave I have thing to do" Logan said "yea we need to" Daniel said as we walked out saying bye to everyone we dropped off Logan and Daniel and I decided to go eat we went to chipotle after eating we went and saw a movie then went home we got home and hung with the boys for a while then the door bell rang "I'll get it" I said getting up I opened the door and screamed "REESE" Zachs family came to visit I immediately picked up Reese she was my favorite after I screamed i heard running the boys ran to the door Zach ran to his mom and Ryan ran to corbyn then I heard Daniel say "omg babe you scared us" "sorry but you know how much I love Reese Daniel let's take Reese on a date" I said laughing "mama herron is that ok with you" Daniel said laughing "yea go head" mama herron said "Reese come on were going shopping" I said leaving the house we got in the car and sang to every wdw song we could we got to the mall we basically bought Reese an entire new wardrobe but it's ok we all had fun we went to the food court and ate then left we were in the car when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and Daniel stopped the car immediately I felt so bad for Reese she was scared she didn't know what was going on Daniel pulled over and got out and over to the passenger side and kneeled down and held me "ok I feel better now but I think we should take reese back home and go back to the doctors" I said "are you sure your ok reese can go with us and we can have everyone meet us there" Daniel said getting up "I don't care just take me to the emergency room" I said "here reese call your brother and tell him to put it on speaker" Daniel said getting out his phone and handing it to reese "ok" Reese said calling Zach
*the phone call*
(Z is Zach d is Daniel  )
Ringing on speaker
Z: hey bro what's up
D: hey bro where is everyone are they around our it on speaker
Z: ok ok calm down your on speaker everyones here what's going on
D: Danielle is have sharp pains were taking her to the emergency room Reese is with us but we need you to meet us at the hospital in 20 minutes
Z: ok ok we'll be there soon hang in there Danielle is Reese ok
D: yes she's just scared
Z: ok we'll see you in 20
Hangs up

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