Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
Daniel and Reese rushed me in Daniel had to carry me I couldn't walk the pain was unbearable the doctor took me in a private room no one was allowed not even Daniel just doctors and nurses the doctors checked everything to see if the baby was ok it the baby was hurt or anything just thinking of all of this stressed me out and made me pass out
*3 days later*
I woke up to the boys mama herron Reese Ryan and Daniel in my room Daniel at my side Ryan Reese Zach jack and corbyn on the floor and mama herron and Jonah on the couch in my room everyone was asleep I shook Daniel waking up he looked at me his eyes were red like he hasn't slept in days he immediately hugged me "Daniel what happened why am I here" I said concerned "Danielle your in the hospital 3 days ago we took Reese on a date we were on our way home when you had a sharp pain and it got worse we rushed you to the hospital and they checked the baby and if it was hurt and why you had sharp pains" he said tearing up "I've been asleep for 3 days is the baby ok or" I said crying "babe you lost the baby I'm so sorry I will be here for you when you need me to be I won't leave I promise with all my heart" he said crying "can you get them out of here I just want you please" I said as everyone woke up Daniel nodded his gesturing them to leave "scoot over let me hold you" Daniel said as I scooted over and I cried for hours as Daniel held me "Daniel I just want to go home and stay there please" I said crying in his chest "I know I know we have to wait for the doctors to release you then we can I promise" he said running his fingers through my hair I fell asleep 3 hours later I woke up to the doctor in my room checking the monitors "oh good I just want to do some blood work and you can leave" he said "ok thank you" I said he took blood and released me we got in the car and left "Daniel can you take me to Logans please" "yea do you want me to take everyone back first" he said taking my hand "yes please" I said holding his hand "ok" he said taking everyone home then going to logans we walked through the door I looked at Daniel and said "go to my room I'll be there in a minute" I said walking towards the kitchen I grabbed kong ignoring Logan yelling and walked to my room Daniel was laying on my bed I laid down next to him and cuddled with him and kong and fell back to sleep of course the next day I was woken up to Logan breaking plates and shooting the merch gun as always Daniel was still asleep so I decided to make breakfast I got out of bed and changed into more comfortable clothes

Chapter 25 Daniel and Reese rushed me in Daniel had to carry me I couldn't walk the pain was unbearable the doctor took me in a private room no one was allowed not even Daniel just doctors and nurses the doctors checked everything to see if the ba...

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And left my room trying not to yell at Logan to stop I ducked to camera he was trying to point at me I said "don't put me on camera not right now please" tearing up he turned off the camera and looked at me "lil sis are you ok what's wrong" he said "no I'm not ok Logan I lost the baby" I said crying he ran to me and hugged me and said "omg Danielle I'm so sorry when did this happen" "3 days ago idk I just kow one day Daniel and I were taking Reese on a date and I had a sharp pain and I was rushed to the hospital and 3 days later i wake up to everyone in my room" I said "what why didn't anyone tell me" he said confused "because they knew I wouldn't want to worry you" I said wiping my tears

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