Chapter 6

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Layla knew I hated scary movies and I liked Daniel and he like me. So I sat next to Daniel during the movie I kept getting scared then Daniel noticed he looked at me and put his arm around me and pulled me closer. In the middle of the movie he realized I kept getting more scared he whispered in my ear "do you wanna go out side and sit in the hall for a little bit" I nodded my head as getting up and him following my we went the opposite way so nobody would notice. Once we left the theater I checked my phone to see if anyone texted me I had 3 messages from my previous (ex) boyfriend threatening me once I saw them
I dropped my phone and fainted. Daniel caught me and carried me to the nearest bench and payed me down he picked up my phone and read the messages and realized that I was in danger he ran inside to get Logan. Logan and Daniel came out Daniel explained to Logan what happened and gave Logan my phone Daniel came over to the bench I was on and held me in his arms till I woke up once I woke up Logan looked at me and asked me " how long has he been texting you like this?" "He started this yesterday" I said. Daniel looked at me and asked "is that why you ran off yesterday at the park?" I nodded my head looking down.

Danielle Paris PaulWhere stories live. Discover now