Chapter 16 part 2

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I didn't even bother to tell Jake and Logan since I knew he ran off I just went back to the spot where Dani and I were and sat back down and waited for him to get back after I sat down he walks up to me and asks "princess? Why are you crying" I thought to myself should I tell him or just leave it be ill leave it be "you took so long I got scared and my arm hurts badly can we just go home please" I said giving him a hug "yea let's go get everyone else" he says grabbing my hand and walking to everyone     we left Daniel decides to drive since everyone was so wasted except us Daniel held my hand tight the entire ride home and we had to sit there listening to everyone in the back making kissy noises and laughing and shipping us "heyyyyyyyy!!!!! Shut the heck up nowwwww! It's annoying and i have a headache please just shut your mouth it's not that hard its actually quite easy and plus guess what?"  I yelled "whatttttt" they all said back they were to scared to yell I could tell it in there eyes " we are already dating stupids" I yelled back "now shut up" I said quietly  and putting my head back in the head rest as I fell asleep it happened again or at least I thought I saw my ex again and it was like it was on replay in my head over and over till  Daniel woke me up because i was screaming and crying "babe, baby girl, princess wake up Danielle wake up please" "Dani omg your here don't ever go to the bathroom again" I said giving him a hug "what  what do you mean" he said laughing " never mind" you say we finally got back to logans i immediately went to the kitchen and stared at the knife block again grabbing one and hiding it and going in the bathroom.

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