Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
*1 month later*
Every morning for the past month I've been throwing up and I'm starting to show and people are starting to notice especially the fans and there getting mad
I woke up one morning and Daniel was still asleep I decided to scroll through instagram for a while I scroll through on one of my pictures of me and Daniel was getting a lot of comments says "this tramp forced Daniel to get her pregnant what is wrong with her" "she's ugly and stupid and a whore" "she needs to leave go back where she came from" I quickly jumped out of bed and and ran downstairs and sat on the couch no one was awake so I sat alone tearing up then aspen walked through the front door I ran to aspen "omg aspen I'm so glad your here" and gave her a hug "Danielle are you ok what's wrong is the baby ok why are you up so early" she said walking me to the couch "I'm not ok the baby is fine and idk why I'm up so early but aspen do you get hate for hanging with the boys" I asked her sitting on the couch "all the time why don't let the hate get to what are they saying" she asked I explained to her I think Daniel heard too because I saw him run downstairs to me "Danielle forget about that your with me we are having a baby we chose this if they don't like you that's their fault not mine not yours" Daniel said hugging me and kissing my head "I'll leave you two be and I'm going to go jump on the boys bed waking them up" aspen said walking up stairs while Daniel and I cuddled on the couch for a while "are you hungry" Daniel said getting up "yea"  I said looking at him "ok come on we're gonna go to the store and get the best breakfast to make ever" he said holding out his hand I grabbed his hand and we went to the store we got pancake mix,strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, and orange juice. We checked out and went back home and once we started cooking of course the boys came down and sat on the couch waiting for food like dogs Daniel and I where having fun cooking together I wanted to make it cute I got whipped cream and put some on his nose and he did the same thing as we laughed we look into the living room to see the boys recording us then Daniel put his hands on my hips and pulled me close and kissed me as all the boys said get a room we finished cooking and we all ate "let's go swimming today" I said "that sound like a great idea babe" Daniel said we all ran upstairs and changed I changed into my favorite bathing suit

 We checked out and went back home and once we started cooking of course the boys came down and sat on the couch waiting for food like dogs Daniel and I where having fun cooking together I wanted to make it cute I got whipped cream and put some on...

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and we all went swimming and had fun and played a whole bunch of games and after a while aspen decided to join she wore her favorite bathing suit

and we all went swimming and had fun and played a whole bunch of games and after a while aspen decided to join she wore her favorite bathing suit

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it looked so pretty on her and we more and more games all day

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