Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Logans POV
I'm vlogging and then Danielle barges in and runs in my room crying and grabbed rope I stopped vlogging and tried stopping her she closed her room door and locked I didn't think of anything so I sat at the table to do work she opened her door I looked at her and she went away she screamed I ran and she jumped I quickly grabbed her and rushed her to the hospital calling Jake and team 10 to meet me there they did then a day later she wakes up then the boys come in except Daniel and you know what happens now (a/n tbh I'm to lazy to write everything down)
*1 month later*
Danielle has been in a coma for a month I've stayed in the hospital with Zach for a month not leaving her side I told on multiple accounts he should go and get rest and he would be the first to know if any news but he refused so he stayed then the machine started going off while Zach and I were sleeping Zach was at her feet he felt her move her feet he yelled for the nurse the nurses ran in and did things with the machine that we didn't understand it started to calm down the nurses sighed in relief as Danielle took a deep breath as Zach ran to her and hugged her "omg Danielle your awake" he said she pushed him away and looked in his eyes for a solid minute and then pulled him back in
Danielle's POV
I took a deep breath and Zach ran to me " omg Danielle got awake" he said hugging me I pushed him away  and looked him in the eyes for a solid minute then pulled him back in and whispered in his ear "Zach I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't want to leave" he hugged me tighter and said "it's ok Danielle and don't leave I don't want you to leave I want you to stay ever since you kissed me that one day I've felt different so please don't ever leave" he said "Zach I've felt different too ever since I kissed you I didn't want to leave that day I wanted to stay but with you but I knew Daniel would want to leave me be. Zach?" I said then he pulled away "yea" he asked "can I have a minute with Logan please then I want to spend time with you only you." I said he blushed and nodded his head smiling and walking out I sat up "Logan" I said as he gave a hug we talked for a while and talked about Zach "logan so what do you think about Zach is he better than Daniel" I asked him trying to keep it on the DL "way better" he said "can you bring him back in here I want to talk to him alone" I asked as he got up and Zach walked in " hey Danielle" he said walking in "he Zach come ere and sit down I want to tell you something" I said "what's up" he said sitting down next to me and putting one hand on the other side of my hip "so ever since that day that I came over with Logan and Jake and I kissed you I've felt different around you every time I get butterflies Zach" I said "Danielle I feel the same way I didn't want to say anything because you and Daniel just broke up and I didn't want you to think j would hurt you like he did I would never try to hurt you or hurt you" he said ad he put his hand on my cheek and came closer I put my hand over his and looked at him and put my head down he picked up my head and kissed me it lasted for 5 minutes then we both pulled away "I want to tell you something" we said at the same thing "ok on a count of three" I said" ok 3,2,1" he said "I love you" we both said he laughed and stared into each other's eyes and hugged "really" he asked me "yes really I've known since I kissed you the first time" I said he laid down next to me and cuddles me "Danielle do you want to be my girlfriend" Zach asked "yes Zach I'd love to be" I said smiling and looking at him he kissed my head hugged me tighter as I cried "hey hey hey what's wrong" he asked me "what about the boys Jake Logan and team 10?" I asked "we can talk to them they trust me the most" he said "ok" I said 

*sorry for the long chapter I couldn't stop writing lol*

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