Chapter 23. Just the three of us

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After getting cleaned up and cleaning my room. I look around and figure out what I'm going to need for the first day of school. It's tomorrow and my mom already picked up my uniforms. I still need other things too.

"Hey Mom, can I have shopping money?"


"Are you heading out to work?" I ask as I make toast.

"Yes. It's going to be a busy day. I have meetings all day and then we have to get ready for inventory. I thought you had everything you need for school?"

"Sort of. I want to get new jeans, hoodies, and trainers. I want to get jammies too."

"Ok, baby girl. Are your friends going with you?"

" I didn't ask them to. I haven't heard from them so their probably busy."

"Where are you going?" Chase asks as he grabs a Gatorade from the fridge.

"To the mall. I need to pick up a few things."

"We can go with you. I wouldn't mind grabbing lunch from the food court." Chase says.

"Good. Guys be safe, too many weirdos at the mall. If someone puts their hands on you kick their ass. I wish I had a taser to give you. I keep hearing about kids getting kidnapped and put in human trafficking. Dangerous world we live in. Ok have fun but be safe. I will see you guys at dinner." Mom says and hugs all three of us at once and kissing us each on the forehead. Once she's out the door Chase starts laughing.

"Your mom is so random. I bet if I asked her, she would bring me to the gun range and teach me how to shoot." Chase says.

"No, she's just always worried the worst will happen."

" I like your mom. She's funny, just random."

"So we're going to the mall?" Alex asks.

"Yea. If you want to." I tell him.

"I don't care. I have nothing planned."

We get to the mall and start walking around. I look for American Eagle. I love the way the jeans fit and the smell of the store. As we walk by Hollister Tyler and Brody come out carrying bags.

"Hi Tyler..Brody." I say to them as we walk up to them.

"Oh hey guys!" Alex says now looking at them.

"Hey" Chase says looking bored.

"Wasn't expecting to see you losers here.." Tyler says smirking at us.

"Yeah well, sometimes you just have to walk among the commoners." I tell them rolling my eyes.

"So where you headed?"

"American Eagle and Footlocker. How much more you got to get?"

"We're actually done. But we can walk with you guys for awhile."

"No, you don't have to. It won't take us long. We will see you tomorrow and look at schedules. I would like to see how many classes we have together. I haven't really seen the school yet. So if I don't find you before lunch, I will look for you in cafeteria?"

"Yeah, I'm sure you will run into us before then. The soccer team usually meets up in the morning." Tyler tells me.

"Well that works. We will see you guys tomorrow then. Bye" I give Tyler a quick hug and mess Brody's hair up a little to watch him pout.

"Tyler has a thing for you." Chase says looking irritated as we walk away.

"No he doesn't. Keep acting grumpy and I won't let you go in the fitting room with me." I tell him while smirking. I look over to Alex and he starts laughing.

"Burn.." Alex says still laughing. I turn and kiss Alex. He instantly stops laughing and pulls me closer. I let out a sigh as his hands wrap around me.

"Perfect... Yeah?" I ask enjoying our time together as we start walking again.

"Yeah, it's perfect."

"So, what are you getting?" Chase asks.

"I need new jeans. I'm sure we will end up going to parties. I don't know if you guys could use a couple new pairs?" I ask. They kinda shrug.

"Well I would get new hoodies.. I plan on stealing yours all year." I tell them laughing.

"I have a ton of clothes you can steal anytime you want." Chase says.

"He really does. Chase is a hoarder when it comes to clothes. Not only is his bedroom full of clothes but he also has the bedroom upstairs. Everytime dad gets an email from any clothing store he loads us up. We just have to open the front door." Alex answers.

"Well just let me grab a few pairs of jeans then." I go to where the jeans are and just grab three of my size in the styles I like. I start looking at the shirts after I put the jeans in Alex's arms. I grab a couple hoodies and a jacket. I see a couple skirts and grab those. I give Alex the hoodies and jacket.

"Can you bring these to the register? I'm going to try on the rest." I ask him. He smiles at me and nods. He walks to the front and I walk to the back with Chase following me.

"I would like to try these on? I have eight items." I tell the associate near the fitting room. He unlocks the door and tells me if I need anything to just yell. He walks away and Chase enters the fitting room with me. I close the door and hang up the clothes.

I go ahead and take the shirt off I was wearing and hand it to him. I put on the new shirt and smooth it out. I then decide to try it with a skirt. I think the shirt was to dressy for ripped jeans. So as I'm pulling my jeans down and off my feet. Smack.. right on the butt. I look over my shoulder to Chase who's trying to look innocent and he's so far from innocent.

"What was that for?"

"Because I thought you were going to get all naked."

"I'm going to when I get to Victoria secrets...."


"Yeah.. I need to get new jammies." I tell him smiling. I go ahead and bend over again to grab my jeans off the floor when I feel his hand rub against my panties. With his other hand he pushes to keep me bent over. I look over my shoulder at him and he's looking down. He pushes my panties so his fingers are now rubbing my clit. I watch him go down on his knees and replace his fingers with his tongue.

My hands are now on the wall holding me up. I'm trying to be quiet as he continues to suck my clit. His hands on my legs to keep them separated. I feel him thrust a finger in me. He keeps a pace going.

"Your so wet." He says as he stands up. As I go to stand up. "Stop, we're not done."

He moves me so I'm now facing the mirror and my hands are pressed against the glass. He undoes his pants, rubs his dick against my pussy and slowly pushes into me. I watch his face become more turned on.

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