Chapter 3. Meeting the Crawfords

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We got into the suv and headed to the Red Lobster. I'm excited and not just for the shrimp fest. I'm excited to meet my mom's boyfriend Will and his kids. I will have more time with my friends now and not have to feel guilty leaving my mom home alone. Maybe I can start dating and doing more teenager stuff. It's hard living with your single mom. You feel this need to be as close to perfect as you can be, so she doesn't feel like she's letting you down.

It's a lot of pressure being an only child too because all her focus is on you. I get all her late night worries. She's scared she doesn't spend enough time with me, doesn't have me in enough after school activities, that I might feel deserted by my dad, and my favorite is that I will end up in therapy covered in tattoos and piercings blaming her for all my problems.

I have a really caring mom, who is really busy at work. She's a pharmacist at a hospital and then she does a lot  volunteer work there.

She puts in a lot of time with cancer patients, since my aunt died of leukemia when she was young. I never met her but my mom still goes to support groups. She signs us up for cancer walks and so on.

We pulled in the parking lot and I realize my mind is just drifting everywhere tonight. My mom grabs my hand as we walk up to the hostess stand and asks for the Crawford's reservations. The hostess smiles at us and brings us to their table.

Will jumps from his seat and pulls my mom into a hug and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. He then turns to me with a smile and pulls me into a hug, while introducing himself.

" Lani, I have heard so much about you and I'm excited to introduce you to my sons Chase, Alex, and Nicky. I'm sure you will all become quick friends, why don't you take a seat next to Nicky." Will says as he pulls out a seat for my mom. It was such a cute gesture he made that I couldn't help but smile. I don't remember dad doing anything for mom, but maybe he did before I was born.

I walk over to Nicky and he is the cutest little kid. He has black hair and bright green eyes like his older brother Chase. I say a quick hi to everyone and smile. The boys look up and muffle a quick hi and are back to their phones. Nicky has his gameboy out and mumbling to it while playing a mario game.

The waitress comes over and takes everyone's drink order, leaving menus behind. I open the menu feeling awkward and glad to have something to kind of distract me for a couple of minutes.

"Does everyone know what there getting?" Will says smiling at mom like a goofy teenager and then looks around at us. It helps seeing someone so interested in my mom. I can't help but feel excited for her.

You hear a collective yeah as they continue on playing. The waitress is back with our drinks, takes our order and leaves again. I hear my phone go off so I sneak it out of my pocket. I smile as I see that it's Tyler. The guy I met on the plane. I start texting him back.

Will runs his hand thru his black hair and gives my mom a look. Like their talking without talking. Now I'm not saying I'm a genius but I can tell something is about to happen. I feel my heart start to race.

"So Lani, I was wondering how you would feel about staying with us next week while your mom's out of town for a conference? " Will sounds a little nervous.

" You never said you were leaving? ?" I looked at my mom accusingly. I feel upset that they would pull this on me. I don't know Will or his kids.

As the boys looked at me and then their dad. I guess its a surprise for almost everyone. I didn't even know she was leaving for a conference and my birthdays next friday. Did she forget? I don't want to upset her right now but I already started making plans now that I'm back.

"This will be really exciting darling and if it all goes well, when I get back we will be moving in with them." Mom smiles while the boys continue to watch. Maybe they know more about what's going on than I thought or just don't care.

I put on my best smile but inside I'm freaking out. I literally just met them and I will be staying with them for a week and maybe living with them. Why wouldn't she prepare me for this?

Dinner was filled with awkward conversation and it couldn't end fast enough. The dessert didn't work it's usual magic. I was mainly fidgeting and waiting to leave.

" I hope you don't mind Lani, but the boys have plans tonight and we were kind of hoping you could watch Nicky while your mom and I went out?" Will had a pleading look on his face. All I could think is great I'm babysitting so my mom can get sum. Eewwww. Welcome back and here babysit my boyfriend's kid? Thanks mom.

"Sure, no problem." I reply as Chase and Alex smirk at me. I suddenly wonder what I got myself into. Especially now that their suddenly noticing me.


if you wrote a story message me so i can read it.

hey comment or vote even if its to tell me it sucks and what could of made it better cause im only as good as you let me become.

peace out girl scout


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