Chapter 55. Who's talking now?

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♡♡♡♡♡♡Song of the Chapter creeping by eric church.

I'm gonna need more votes and comments...yourbookslut♡♡♡♡

November is here. Jase and Brody keep talking about seeing their families. I'm not going. My mom is not responding to her medications as much. She's sleeping more and she's just out of it. I'm still hoping for the transplant to come thru.

"I'm not going to go." Jase says and cuddles up to me on the couch.

"No go. You should go. I will be alright. Its only a week. Brody is looking forward to it." I tell him. He gives me a look and gives up. Not to much of a fight. But I know he has been looking forward to seeing his cousins.

"I have stuff to do then. I gotta stop by my house and grab clothes." He gets up and stretches. "Brody let's go. We gotta get packed, if we're leaving at the end of the week."

He gives me a quick kiss and hands me the remote. I turn it back to mtv. I'm obsessed with awkward right now. As they leave, Will comes running up the stairs. "Dani..Dani"

"I'm in the Living room. "

"So I got off the phone with a lady named Amber. She's in charge of models for seventeen. She wants you to come in for a photo shoot. "

"Wow. That would be cool. " I turn the tv off. Taking a sip of my water. Is this something I can handle with my mom being sick? I should go for it. It would help pay for UCLA. My scholarship only covers half my tuition. I'm going to be walking around campus this weekend. I sign the paperwork and pick out classes. I'm glad I did my SATs early.

"When do I go in? Did you tell mom?"

"Yeah I called her earlier. She's at the doctors. You go tomorrow. Your not going to school. "

"Okay. What did mom say?"

"She is super excited. She can't wait to see the pictures. Their going to give us a copy of the disk after the shoot since she can't come. " Will says and gives me a hug. He leaves and goes into his room.

I turn the television back up. I grab the blanket off the couch and curl up. I love awkward marathons. My favorite is Sadie. I love her no shit attitude. I think she's going to eventually be with the food truck cook.

Alex comes in the room and sits on the couch next to my feet. I look at him and go back to watching tv. I should say something to him but I don't know what.

"So..." Alex says..

"Yeah? "

"I'm sorry if I upset you. I mean for upsetting you. I was panicking about my feelings for you that I didn't take yours into account. I just want things to go back and I realize they might not go back. " Alex says.

"I don't know how things will end up Alex, but I know I don't want to hurt Jase or break his trust in me. He's become very important to me and he puts a lot into our relationship that it wouldn't be fair to him." I say.

"I know. I realize that now."

"Jase has a hard time trusting and letting people in. He protects himself and Brody. He now looks out for me. He's really a great guy."

"I know. We have been all hanging out a lot and he's becoming a good friend. Hell, Chase and him have become best friends. "

"Yeah. ..It's a little weird, but it's cool. I'm glad things are getting better."

Chase, Brody, and Jase come in the room. I look between the two. Jase cut his hair and is now wearing the same outfit as Brody. Do you see the problem? Shit. They did this on purpose. I keep looking at the two. Their both standing there looking at me. Neither making any kind of face. This is so creepy. "Jase" I say. They just keep looking at me. Chase and Alex start laughing at me.

I give Chase a look and he just shakes his head. I can't believe I can't tell them apart. Their identical. "Yeah, I guess I'm just going to go to bed. You guys have fun."

"Dani why don't you stay and hang out with us." Chase says not letting me off the hook.

"I would but I'm really tired and have a photo shoot to get too tomorrow. " I tell them.

"Really? " Alex says.

"Yeah. I'm going to be modeling for seventeen. "

"Oh, well goodnight. " Alex says.

I leave the room and I hear Jase say in a voice that sounds hurt. "I cant believe that she couldn't tell us apart."

I look back and see which one is talking. It's funny. They sound really similar to, but Jase's voice is a little deeper. Looking right at him.

"Jase why don't you come to bed with me?" I say watching them turn and face me. Jase's eyes light up alittle as he follows me back to our bedroom.

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