Chapter 4. Pinky Promises, Forts, Popcorn and Nicky

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When we went to leave Chase called over to me with a smirk on his face. "Hey Mani, your riding with us."

"My name isn't Mani and I'm not a man!!" I tell him grinding my teeth. I go ahead and shove into the side of him. If he's going to end up being a part of my life then I will have to put him in his place. What a dick! I already want to punch him.

I looked over to my mom, but she was to busy making sappy eyes at Will. So I started making my way outside. Luckily I only live ten minutes away. I'm ready for tonight to be over.

"We are just gonna drop Nicky and you off at yours. Try not to kill him." Chase sneers at me giving me a dirty look now that our parents are not in view.

"Then maybe you should just watch him." I tell him flipping him off.

We pull in the driveway and Alex helps Nicky out of the escalade and grabs Nickys bags. As we get to the door to go in Alex grabs my hand real quick and I stumble back into him as Nicky runs around us and straight to the tv. At least he didn't let me get trampled by the kid.

I'm guessing they have been here before or the kid can smell the tv out because I can hear sponge bob from here.

" Hey call me if Nicky needs anything and I will come get him. Here's my number. We will be getting him in the morning. Oh keep him away from peanuts, he's really allergic otherwise good luck." Alex says as he slides a piece of paper into my hand and walks away. I walk in and set my stuff down.

I head into the living room and put Alex's number in my phone. I send him a quick text so he has my number. Maybe he won't be as bad as his brother. Doubtful.


After an episode of sponge bob, Nicky is jumping on the couch. He is sword fighting moms plant, leaves are flying around. He's just jumping around the house screaming " I know karate. . hiya".

"Hey Nicky lets build a big fort" I tell him in an excited voice. "Grab all the pillows you can buddy and I will grab the blankets. " With that Nicky is off racing after every pillow he can, throwing them into the middle of the living room.

I changed into my yoga pants and t-shirt real quick. I grabbed all the blankets out of the hall closet and my old brite light. I hope I can get the kid to sleep. It's been too long of a day.

I make it back to the living room and Nicky is back to jumping and doing flips onto the pillows. This kid has way to much energy.

"Nicky can you put your jammies on."

Next thing I know the boy is running around with his teenage mutant ninja turtle pajamas on. The boy is fast. We start setting up the fort and plug the brite light in. He made a turtle with the pegs while I made popcorn.

" You want to watch ice age or nemo?" I ask after making popcorn. I throw extra butter on it and grab some water bottles.

"Are you gonna be my sister? " Nicky asks scrunching his chubby little face. While we're laying down in the fort.

" I don't know Nicky, how about we become buddies first and if you still like me then I will be your sister?" I reply. I was thinking no. But I didn't want to be mean to the kid.

"I know a secret... Dad got a ring and he says that you will be my sister and your mom be like our mom and we can be a family like before my mom met the dj and moved away to be a roadie" he says giggling. " no telling though its a secret cause he got to get her to say yes first. Chase and Alex don't know."

"Wow that is quite the secret" I tell him. Pretty shocked that he was able to keep a big secret.

"Yeah lets pinky promise it" holding out his pinky to mine. After the pinky promises and both movies we pass out in the tent with the tv on still.


thanks for the read and dont forget to comment, vote and tell me what you think.


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