Chapter 12. We are Young

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Jake came and climbed in the passenger seat. We went to Sues house to get ready, did I mention I'm having a great day. I got my girls and were having a blast. The radio turned up, running around with our hair brushes having a total girls moment singing along to Fun. Tonight we are young.

"So Lani time to catch every one up on what you have been up to. Tell us about how You just moved in with two hotties. Got a brand new truck. My little miss innocent just hit the lotto when it comes to step dads." Sue exclaims throwing her hands around wildly.

Leslie picked up a pillow and swung it at me. "You have been holding out on us Babe. you better start talking before I put a straightner in your ass!!"

"OH we should beat her ass just for being a punk ass!!" Lyza lets out and starts swinging a pillow at me.

" Ok..Ok but your never gonna get it out of me." I scream and make a run for it. I ran down the stairs and out the back door until I got stopped by Sue's older brother Axel. I got flung over his shoulder. I scream out, " let me down, your messing up my get away!!!"

"Oh Sue I caught that girl that stopped calling you over the summer because she's been to busy and made me have to listen to all your girly whining about boy's. . what should we do to her??" Axel calls out.

"Hold her we're getting the supplies!!" Lyza says with such an evil voice.

"Please Axel!! I thought we were friends. I thought I meant something to you!!" I say squirming trying to get away.

"Oh we're friends babe!" He says with a smirk and slaps my butt.

"Come on Axel please please. I will do anything."

"I can't think of anything I need. So it looks like payback for you." Axel says laughing.

I look up to see Sue, Lyza, and Leslie holding on to cans of whip cream, ketchup and mustard. As they come up to me, I'm squirming like crazy trying to get away. I have Axel's armed wrapped tight around my legs.

"Ok I will tell you whatever you want. please don't do this!!!" I try pleading my case.

"How about no, get her girls!!!" Leslie lets out a war cry as she starts squirting ketchup all over me.

Within seconds I'm covered with ketchup, mustard, and whip cream.
The last thing I hear is the clicks of someone's phone as Axel is jumping in the pool with me on his shoulders.

When I get out of the pool and run to jump on my friend's. "Group hug come on girls! !"

"No I think it's time for you to get ready because time is just flying by and your party starts soon!! Oh and I might of posted on Facebook about your party along with these great new pictures."

"OMG.... we gotta hurry." Sue screams out.

An hour later were all showered. . Mainly me. I have my sundress on with gladiator sandals. My hair straightened and makeup on.

I give them a wink and snap my fingers. "Smokin.. We're on fire."

"Your so weird, but yeah we're hot" Lyza rolls her eyes at me. As she smacks my ass.

We hop in my new mountaineer with Jake and head to my house. "Guys my brother got Lani something for her birthday. ..Should I give it to her."

I pull in the driveway as a bag of condoms fall on my head.

"ehhhhh OMG... you gotta be kidding me." I scream out. Waving my hands wildly in the air. They all start laughing and make fun of me.

"Axel says to play it safe and wrap them up. Yeah I kind of told him about the brothers! !" Sue whispers to me and runs.

"Omg your so embarrassing! !!!" I scream. I follow her into the house and into the back yard which is all lit up with twinkle lights. People are already here.

"Lani come over here!" Will says as he spots me. I walk over to Will and he puts his arm around my shoulders. "Lani this is my mom and dad. So gram and pop pop Crawford for you!!"

"Hi gram and pop pop" I say as Nicky attaches himself to my leg. I see both of my grandparents from my mom and dads side here.

Will pulls me in and whispers "I also invited Your dad and Anna...their over there."

"Oh parents haven't been around each other since he left. Is my mom here?"

"Your mom is on her way here now. Her plane just landed. Lets hope for the best then."

I walked over to my Dad, Anna, and Andrew with Nicky still attached to my leg. Nicky handed out glares as people came up hugging me. I guess he's not ready to share me.

"This is a really nice home honey." Dad says.

"Yes it is." I answer him.

"It was really nice of Will to invite us all here. He called the beginning of this week. So it gave us time to get stuff together."

"Yeah Will is a great guy. I'm really happy mom met him." I tell him smiling.

"Maybe things will be better and you can start visiting more. Maybe move to New York." Dad says.

" Mmmm... I have a lot going on here though with all the stuff I do. And they have lacrosse teams that actually get noticed here. It's all about guys basketball and football in New York." I tell my dad and I can tell he's trying to come up with something. But you really don't hear about girl teams in New York.

"We have really good business school's though. I have missed alot of you growing up. It would be nice to have a little more time with you."

"Maybe I can come for Thanksgiving. It's a whole week off. It's a little less than three months away." I say smiling, hoping he will take the compromise.

"Yeah I will work the details out with your mom. We will plan on Thanksgiving."

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